Magic Creature Morph

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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 11
Maybe maybe not...
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 12
Magick doesn't have infinite power, you can't just make a spell to create a reverse black hole somewhere that shoots out moldy raisins and it'll work. It goes through reality, it doesn't bend it.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 13
Yes. I do not care. Magick comes in many ways. So there are different rules that dont apply to every kind of Magick
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 14

Magick can do many things. But it has not been proven to change someone physically into another person or animal. Unless there has been a extremley intelligent witch that has proven it. Magick can do some small things to physical features like change eye color, change hair color, get rid of acne. This is mostly visulization that you do to accomplish this.

I am just saying what I know. No need to argue.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 15
A lot of people forget that magick has to be accepted by the universe not just yourself. The universe is worse than a lawyer when it comes to loopholes.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 16
lol i already tried taht spell and yes it worked.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 17
Yes, all spells work. The question is, in what reality? Like, you want them to work in this world, or the astral plane? Actually, the question is how much power and time are you willing to put in?

It would be quite easy to cast this spell and see results in the astral plane than [if even possible] this reality. In this reality, let’s reclassify this as a paranormal request.

Like most psionic/psychic paranormal abilities you have to meditate a lot, go through trial and error, and do more than chanting a few words. Another problem is, like Jahbulon said, in this reality science still applies. When something this extreme demands bending of science in this reality, it would render one of those impossible or for the sake of being reasonable, very difficult.

Shape-shifting is a paranormal theory. If it’s possible in this dimension it won’t happen in a day, and you won’t see results by chanting a few words. It’s going to require more self-dedication, meditation, resources, and power if nearly possible. Mind you, keep science in mind. Major paranormal theories have to meet logical science and then you’re the man in the middle.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 18
Im not doubting the possibility of polymorphism, I am just doubting the credibility of this spell just as much as the jew money spell.
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 19
ok here is the thing with all magick if you do not believe in it its not there......stop look at the people that pass by you on the streets do they believe? All I'm saying is for your magic to work you must believe in yourself and in magic..SMIB
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Re: Magic Creature Morph
Post # 20
i morphed before but not very much i thinked i messed up the spell i tried to turn into a rabbit but i only got the eating habbits and i cant revese it.......(i have been a vegertain for about a year now)
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