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Re: satan
Post # 11
Dont forget about wiccans, they blame them to.

And the agnostics...
And the atheist...
And the Pagans...
And the hippies...
And so on and so on...

Not all of them but quite a few, just enough for me to say that
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Re: satan
Post # 12
I thought Paganism means a Custom-type religion, where you believe what you want to believe..
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Re: satan
Post # 13
You could say that Satan is the Spirirt of black magick but still doesn't physically exist. There are some magickal Satanist traditions that believe in a devil called C'thulu, who was a dark being who conquered this planet with a warped army after the previous universe was destroyed, he made is captial on Earth Atlantis which was the centre of his power, but when Atlantis sunk it destroyed his magickal power, bringing C'thulu himself down withit and those kind of Satanists say that one day his power will be brought back by some chatastrophic event on the world (this could be hinting 2012) and conquer the entire universe. Satanists aren't necessarily evil (for those who don't know) they just believe that there is a devil.
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Re: satan
Post # 14
satan is an interesting concept but nothing is ever his fault people make bad decisioons and thats all there is to that. "its satans fault people are on drugs!" no people make bad choices there is no blame to be put on him.
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Re: satan
Post # 15
i agree with death_flower we make bad descisions and we cant blame satan for our descisions. i am a christian wiccan and i beleive in satan..just because i beleive in him doesnt mean i follow him.i understand that in the past christians have had issues and were pregudus against other religions. but i dont hate people or discriminate against them and for your info it was mostly the catholic church who did tht whole burn the witch thing im not catholic and scence i have been here i have made many witch freinds. i beleive in 1 god but im not making you beleive in him would be awesome it you did but im not going to make is up to you weather or not u think satan is evil.
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Re: satan
Post # 16
In the most ancient form of religion which is paganism (yes, paganism was the first concept of religion after humans became aware of soul and self) Satan or the devil is actually a woods God, Christian mythology made him into a embodiment of evil. Magick has been around since the first idea of soul or self in different forms whether it be the basic laws of attraction, runes, communing with spirits, and energy manipulation, how is that any different than what we are doing in our current time? Only the props have changed but the most basic things in life often hold the most truth or power. Satan isn't good or bad, it's just a perception that each should make for themselves.
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Re: satan
Post # 17
Actually for those who don't know Santanisim came from Pan the Greek God of the Woods. He looked like Phil from Hercules (The Disney Movie)

Christians only believe he is evil because they say he lives in Hell, commands legions after legions after legions of demons and is the ruler of the underworld.

So in some of their ways he is like the other Gods and Goddesses of the Underworld like Queen Hel, Hades, Pluto (They are the same one is Greek the other Roman they just changed the names).
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Re: satan
Post # 18
Well many types of Paganism had there own Gods and versions of other Pagan Gods, so in Greek Paganism they had the Pan as being a Greek God looking like Hercules, but in Celtic Paganism you get him being the horned God (since the Pan is a horned faery) Christianity hi-jacked virtually everything from Paganism and extremist Christians (such as our favourite church, Landover Baptist) YES THAT'S SARCASM!!!! Believe that the horned God we worship is "our own version of Satan and that we are Satan's priests."
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Re: satan
Post # 19
All beliefs are right. All beliefs are wrong. Each belief is a concept. Believe what you wish. But why try to disprove another's belief. Why not just accept that their beliefis their belief? As long as they are happy, right? Just let it go. If someone bothers you, just say, "I believe how I believe. But I respect your opinion." That should help. If not, sorry.
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Re: satan
Post # 20
Perhaps, but should we try to disprove the concept that all other beliefs are false?
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