
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► biokinesis

Re: biokinesis
Post # 11
It can work whenever you want it to. But you have to train hard if you want it to work at will
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Re: biokinesis
Post # 12
Ok that was half way a joke.
Half the student body already thinks I'm werid becuase in 11 grade becuase I lost my temper out side of high school building it was space science and I asked nature to drop a branch on a kids head and well it droped on his head.normaly people wouldn't care excpet for the fact that it was the qaurter back for the football team. And we lost the next 3 games. They blame me for it.and if I did chronokeniss while running the mile. Hmm they would hang me on the field goal post
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Re: biokinesis
Post # 13
Stopping time and slowing down time I naturally have those powers but its a defence mechanism cant use it Owell.
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Re: biokinesis
Post # 14
i have the slow down time thing, when ever i jump more than 3 feet i start to see in slow time :/
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