Crystals in your Craft

CovenNatural Magick ► Crystals in your Craft
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Re: Crystals in your Craft
Post # 11

I use a lot of quartz crystal in my herbal sachets and as amulets.

I have rose quartz, hemite, amethyst sun stone, carnelian,sodalite, tiger's eye, moss agate, and a few others as well. I use these in energy healing to help direct energy flow through the chakras.

Re: Crystals in your Craft
Post # 12

I usually do it for aesthetics and I just place them where ever and how ever it seems to feel right I suppose. I also love those worry stones (but they can be made out of anything, especially crystal, just as long as they are oval and smooth and can fit in your palms)
They're fun to rub and fiddle with in one hand when I walk or do other things that don't require my hands per se, and they help me with anxiety and bad thoughts and help me keep busy even though I'm not being productive at all.

For magick I usually use crystals to help charge energies for when I need to use them in or before or after rituals or so on, so forth.

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