
Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► spells

Re: spells
By: / Novice
Post # 11

Anyone can cast a spell, but it requires belief and knowledge, ost people have neither when it comes to magick, to them it is "fantasy".

Iam not sure what hp means but a wand is simply a tool to help channel energy, anyone can have a wand but they aren't necessary to practice.

However objects cannot fly and magick is an energy, it has no colour, how it responds is based on your intent, whether that be positive or negative intent.

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Re: spells
Post # 12
Magick has no color, no we can't make objects fly like hardy potter, wands can be made and give you extra energy for your spells, but we can't levitate or move objects.
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Re: spells
Post # 13
i mean the movie harry potter for example :D so if magic exist wich ways can you use it for and what can you do with it .have you change something with magick or do heal someone or something?
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Re: spells
By: / Novice
Post # 14

Jimgg9 we are not here to spoon feed you information, information on what magick can and cannot do can be found easily in many online sources and in hundreds of books that can be found on amazon and sometimes for free in pdf form.

A little research will give you a lot of information about real magick.

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Re: spells
Post # 15
i am sorry i just ask because i dont know what is real and what isn't that why i open this forum in the first place
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Re: spells
Post # 16
Honestly, I don't believe you can heal a person per se, but you can wish them wellness, if someone is sick, for example cancer (like I have) I wouldn't put my faith in magick, I would seek professional help, and let them treat me, but there are herbal teas to help the side effects of chemotherapy, but there will be no spells that will heal me fully.

It's like a prayer, people believe they can be healed through prayer, so they don't seek the professional help, but they get sicker, it's not because prayer didn't work, it's because prayer can help people get through certain things.

You have to do a lot of research and put time into your research, I agree with H20, start googling, reading books, pdfs, and search this site, you can find a lot of information, also look up what magic can and cannot do.
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Re: spells
Post # 17
thank you verry mutch i will search all the theme .some last for tonight is it necessary to buy stuff for spells like this on this site or you can cast spells without it ?
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Re: spells
Post # 18
Most spells require no items, but some do, you can easily buy what you need anywhere, amazon, walmart, health store, or anywhere you shop.
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Re: spells
Post # 19
This thread has been moved to Other Spells Discussion from Welcome.
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Re: spells
Post # 20



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