wat is ki and is it real

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Re: wat is ki and is it r
Post # 11
Well...you must know a lot before you are able to use ki...well...properly...
here's a site that has it almost all!

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Re: wat is ki and is it r
Post # 12
Ki is a fundamental concept of traditional Chinese (oc)culture. Ki is believed to be part of every living thing that exists, as a kind of "life force" or "spiritual energy".

Like all traditions especially traditions involving magic, it has its critics. But, a lot of modern magical systems adopted the idea-- psychics commonly use the term "energy" for the way they interpret things on the extra-sensory, and the idea of psychic energy manipulation has become one of the fundamentals of psionics. They usually call it "psi", though. I personally consider psychic energy the keystone of all magic, but do keep up the vocal critical thinking.
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Re: wat is ki and is it real
Post # 13
i have two qeustions

1.can you run out of ki?

1.can a young child use ki?
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Re: wat is ki and is it r
Post # 14
1.) Not that I've heard. Acupressure is an alternative healing crafted to fix ki "blockage", though, and sure if you do something too much you'll feel strain.
2.) I don't see why not -- by some accounts, children use ki with much more vitality but less control than adults.
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Re: wat is ki and is it real
Post # 15
i see so if if i wanted to teach my child how to use ki he wouldnt pick it up qickly but would get it eventualy
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