Thrid eye

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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 12
That would be cool :)
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 13
lol, imagine having 3 eyes...
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 14
Kinda creepy if you ask me...look in the mirror until you get used to it"Holy--dude i have three eyes!!"
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 15
Is the third eye something that lets you see ghosts spirits and stuff?
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 16
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 17
What with LOL?
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 18
lol means that something is funny the letters stand for:
Laugh Out Loud
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 19
Yep, when your third eye is open, you can see ghosts and spirits. You can also see people's futures, past and present.
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 20
ok, and I know what LOL means.
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Re: Thrid eye
Post # 21
ok sorry
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