OFF TOPIC US military

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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 16
My respect goes out to those serving and suffering or that have, for their country, a country filled with the same mindless romantic and general ideas of the military as they once thought before they came in, or continue to have and spread.

My thoughts on war, these are just my thoughts, if you dont agree then, the military is perfect for you, turn off your mind: There is no honor in dyeing, there is no honor in killing. The only heroes are those who save lives, not those who take them, that is a murderer. Murdering for your country? Sounds just doesnt it? Though isnt that as all soldiers do? No, you tell yourself the other side is evil, they are wrong. Theyre saying the same. Though what decides that? You? In a day we could be their allies, how would you feel about those murdered? It is nothing personal, it is all politics, you are neither fighting for freedom, you are oppressing others and have given yours away to the military, nor your family, they are safe an sound, or your country, only the government, which owns you and will use you till your very last drop of blood and last second in your contract. I recommend the military for none, you will hear grand stories im sure, though that was then and this is now. That was them and this is you. Those who have died i give my respect to, and my pity in whether they received more then they bargened for or just what they wanted.

One word of advice, do come in as an officer, so you can tell everyone of experience what to do without getting your hands dirty, the money is rather better as well, and with least the hell.
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
Blessed be to all the armed forces that are over there fighting. May the all make it home safe.
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 18
heres my plan..In 2013 when i graduate highschool i will go to community college wihere i will goto coellge for 2-4 years. I will then go to not inlist but be commissioned(two ddiffernt things) then take the MOS test go to officer school maybe go to iraq if the war is still on. serve my 4 year term and if i like it reinlist lol
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 19
I sure hope the war isn't still going on the joey.
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 20
Perosnally i think its going to turn into a 3rd world war....since obama is president the terrorists might find it a chance to attack america again
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 21
oh wow your very young.please consider what you are going to do before you do it. i have people who just tought about the money and the traveling and now after a very long stay in Iraq they are re considering.thing is Once a Marine, always a Marine. You can quit intul your contract is up and even then its very hard. You have to consider the training that Marines go through too.Its the hardest in the military. I have Marines lined up faking injuries because they cannot take the training. so you have a long time to think but dont think im trying to discourage you, im just trying to mentally prepare you.
If you want any more info email me .
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 22
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 23
Mys, Ive heard th stories from my brother after he went into boot camp..Im not doing it for the money ever since i was little i felt that i had a duty to serve for my country and i feek the mariens are the best of the best
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 24
you forgot the natioanl guard!!! im joining in march.
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Re: OFF TOPIC US military
Post # 25
i meant National Guard.
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