I'm a satanist. I believe Satan is the true creator god and that the demons are the original gods whom are here to help us. So in total there are 2 and a half satanists.
I believe the same. I'm very extreme when it comes to practicing my religion. That's part of why I can't stand it when people try to make fun of me just for what I believe. I'm laughed at and treated different just because of that. I know... it's stupid and it's not right. At least that's what I think.
I worship God, But I also study Wicca and a little Voodoo. I am basically a christian but I believe that the hate of Homosexuality and Demons are False. The Churches Screwed up the Bible. And God said all his creations are Good. (I.e Lucifer,Demons,Witches and Homosexuals.) I call this Bi-Christianity because Christianity is False (No offence to Christians like that.)
You know that is an odd question. Yeah, I would have to say I am a heathen, because I celebrate the Sabbats. That question is actually a trick question. I guess it really depends on ones purpose and the region they are from. If you are pagan, it is that religion comes in different flavors and styles. All respectable yet all still questioned and questionable.
Yeah, if there is one thing I can do, with all other pagans, is get down and party like a Heathen. Sip and talk over a cup of coffee about the next Sabbat celebration, is fine too, and forgetting about bureaucracy. With that said, I want to become the finest brewer in all the land. Just so I can share my warm welcome to others, by offering my finest of mead. Awe, good times lay ahead. Good times, good times.
You see that is one thing just about everyone can sit and communicate over, is over drink and food. Whatever that may be. Then maybe play some music and dance. You can see how this can slowly turn into a party.
I was a full blown Christian, before I finally understood what the Bible really teaches about magic and gods. The Bible says no gods BEFORE me, not no other gods. So, I am Astatru/Christian. I might eventually evolve into full Astatru.
In the all classical sense, yes, I am a heathen. That is why I don't capitalize it, because it is apparent and respectfully referring to another specific path. Heathen for me as a characteristic and a mind set, and not a pantheon. If you would want to understand me, you might want to chat and ask me a ton of questions, just to get inside of my mind, because apparently, I had to have an adept psychic read my mind, over about two hours in person, just to get the essence of me.
I care to share, if you got the questions. Thank you.