Is it possible...

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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 3
Well,it is possible in the astral.
But it maybe possible in the real life.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 4
Not anytime soon mef not anytime soon.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 5
its simple.
You don`t need to see the wings but feel them.
Like this,Visualize on your back that a pair of wings just bloom out.And try to move them.I can`t help much but these do happen i think.Always worth a try.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 6
i mean by you can feel it on your back.
Bit by bit.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 7
Huh well I know theres been many times when I've visualized it. hmmm Maybe a spell. As dangerous of a thought as that may be.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 8
I thought I answer this already...I thought I did. In any case, you probably can have the wings but some will not be able to see it, but it will take time, just like changing your features such eyes colors and stuff.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 9
actually, i came up of a way to obtain wings, but it is highly dangerous
since it involves a demon.
as you know, a demon has a strong amount of power, and if you hav read the lesser key of solomon, you would know of the goetia, anyway
there is a goetic demon that can change the form of the summoner to what ever the summoner pleases
basically, he can grant you wings
right now its is only a theory, and summoning is considered to be highly dangerous
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 10
No I havent read about this.So is it free? I doubt this Goetia wouldnt want anything in return.
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 11
well, ive only studied this book, didnt actually try it yet, but from what i read, they dont ask for anything, ive nly read about one goetic demon that wishes for something in return, anyway
if you want, i can send you a link to a site that will allow you to read the book yourself.
and remember, it is only a theory, i havent actually tried it yet
but i plan to
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Re: Is it possible...
Post # 12
Oh I do want. Even if it is just a theory, its worth a try.
Thank you muchly.
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