re spirit guides

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Re: re spirit guides
Post # 3
What are spirit guides?

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 4

Aspects of one's soul, or separate entities that help you along in life.

Sometimes they go unnoticed, and some people actually put forther effort to listen.

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 5
So I can meet them by simply meditating?

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 6
Pretty much. they normally appear when they think you are ready or need the extra help.

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 7
What do you mean by need extra help?

Re: re spirit guides
By: / Novice
Post # 8
Extra help means guiding you in the right direction by way of helping your instincts when you are working, giving you messages to push you along, giving you comfort, ect.

Each spirit guide does something different based on what the individual needs.

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 9
rash ftw! it's all on the person and what needs to be met.

Re: re spirit guides
Post # 10
Ah, thank you.

Re: re spirit guides
By: / Beginner
Post # 11
try this meditation

Get a drum beat rought 1/4 beats per bar (optional)
then meditate and see yourself in a field and look for a tree hole or a rabit hole ect and go down it

when you come out you should be in a woodland clearing. walk around untill you see a animal cross your path 3 times. You may walk to a beach or a mountian a river ect.

then when you have found them ask it if it want to be your spirit guide if it agreed hold out your hands mentally and physically then allow the creature to shrink into the palm of your hands and then put it to your heart and feelt the energy spread through your body

i hope this helps

Re: re spirit guides
By: / Beginner
Post # 12
this is great thank you , i shall try straight away and let you know how i get on :-) blessings macus

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