grow wings???

Forums ► Other Spells Discussion ► grow wings???

Re: grow wings???
Post # 3
As far as i know it is to open ones light bodies wings, to be honest why would you want to walk around with wings when levitation is something closer to reality, nothing is ever 100% in reality.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 4
it looks cooler lol

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Re: grow wings???
Post # 5
ooo they teach chronokinesis! i did not know it was so hard to learn, when i get it as in free ability. yes i do train on it once or every day...

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Re: grow wings???
Post # 6
Yea that thing on wingmakers is just to open your light body. You cant grow wings. No offense but people dont seem to get that you can do alot of things in magick but it has to co-exist with our realm. Meaning that you cannot summon matter out of notihng. Example: a car out of thin air. But you can summon an enitity because its possible to summon energy into one place. Well thats just how I view magick.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 7
I agree completely, growing physical wings is not what this was intended for.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 8
Trav, very well put.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 9
True, but kinesis isn't magick though. It's a power of the human mind, but people seem to get magick confused with kinesis.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 10
Magick in general is just a form of energy manipulation with tools or rituals added to make it more usable to everyone, once you go past a certain point they are unnecessary and overrated. People do various forms of kinesis which is manipulation of various forms of energy, magick is about putting energy into motion as to accomplish a certain task.
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 11
Ancient philosophers and some modern day Eastern philosophers often said that magick is whatever you want it to be (as is philososphy itself).
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Re: grow wings???
Post # 12
Exactly, we make magick into whatever we want and we do it by any means which works for each individual, what one may regard to be magick may just be a normal everyday action to another, kinesis is way magick works, the fuel behind the magick, magick is just a nice word which sums up the entire procedure and style of life we live.
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