Living forever/specialist

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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 21
ok, I don't know if this has been mentioned (I stopped readin after serpeantfire's post) but here goes. Everything has a natural order as a rule, but at the same time, rules can be broken if ways are found. Would you be willing to live with the consequences? You would see all of your loved ones pass away, see the horrors of today's world all too often, and you would have the burden of a secret that you couldn't tell anyone (unless you felt like being on a operating table with doctor's looking at what makes you tick).
Druids revere life, and try to preserve...naturally. (no pun intended) One of the greatest aspects of our path is the Great Circle. We know that death is not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. It it just another curve in the circle. Most people look straight ahead, and they see their own personal end...thus getting frightened. If only they would turn their head and see that their path continues and will being them back to where they want to be eventually.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 22
I do not have any loved ones nor anyone to care about. Same is with the opposite to others who know me. Enough with the chatter " does not exist ", because I am asking an explanation of techniques that are provided, but so far nothing much. And changing a physical body is possible.
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 23
supposibly if you remove an organism reproductive organs it lives twice as long
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 24
haha I know that would hurt lolz
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Re: Living forever/specialist
Post # 25
Ok, lets see. If you could design a spell that would change your stem cells into young ones permenatly, then theoretically you would live forever. If I were you and really wanted to do this, I would learn as much as I could about the human body, the effects of stem cells, differences between young and old ones, and then study up as much as you can about magically changing the human body. If you discover a way to use a spell to alter your stem cells, then you are on the right road.
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