Charging for Tarot?

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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 21
I don't much like resorting to the textbook definitions during a reading, because I try to read more intuitively, but I love reading books or articles about the tarot symbol histories... why the queen of wands has a cat, what do the initials on the pillars flanking the Priestess mean, etc. It's really interesting and makes the meanings easier to remember.

The "surrounded by dead people" description reminded me a bit of the bonus card (the Danse Macabre) in the Bohemian Gothic Tarot... was that it? ( If so, I am so jealous! I'm not dark-hearted by a long shot, but Mahony and Ukolov are now my favorite tarot designers.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 22
Yeah ravyne, I remember it has the word "gothic" in it...
I can tell you that. Did I say there was a hot chick sitting on a seat that had horns comming out on the sides?
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 23
A hot chick, haha you are so descriptive Barb.
Anyway.. I don't just GIVE people the book definition of course, well, I usually give them the book definition and then I interpret it and apply it to their individual situation. Giving them the book definition allows them to interpret it themselves if they wish to, as well as seeing how versatile the card is, and in the interpretation how personal it can be...
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 24
Of course, and I don't like having to use the book but sometimes I have to anyway *grumbles about redundant wands* but I feel a bit of a failure if I really can't get any impressions first. The sitter's involvement does help such a lot, though.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 25
Lol if you read Tarot for other people but you keep on looking and need the book thats embarrass. You must practice more. Like me, I don't need any book as I already get all the meaning stay in my brain. This is cool, don't keep on looking at the book, you not gotta use it when you are pro. All the meaning of Tarot are the same the only different is the art.
Remember this:
Different art, same meaning. OK ?
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 26
Hmm... I agree about the need to lose the book completely, but disagree a bit about the art making no difference. Like the link I gave to the Bohemian deck, I love the designers for caring about the meaning (some designers just put 10 swords in any random picture and call it "ten of swords") but I also like how the design makes them take a meaning all its own.

For example, the Justice card of the Bohemian deck shows a man holding the witch-hunter's manual, so I get the impression that this card means a twisted wrong idea of justice... I can never see him as the same Justice in the Rider-Waite, because her scales and sword show that she is always fair.

I feel a failure when I have to use the book because I don't really believe in memorizing the book meanings either, so much as listening to the cards themselves speaking. Not in a schizophrenic way, (or maybe, I don't know, :-P) maybe more like scrying? I don't mean pulling the meanings out of my arse either, it's just intuitive readings are more specific and supposed to be more correct, even when it ignores the meaning in the book. But when there's an intuitive block for whatever reason... yes, that's very embarrassing.
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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 27
HealerRaven, Well having done Psychic readings for people both for profit and free. and have lost friends because I grew tired of reading the same energies when they're stuck on the same crap for months at a time.
charging makes alot more sense,especially for giving yourself personal space to just hang out and enjoy your friends.
Also charging put a dampener for those people that want a Guru to tell them how to live they're lives.

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Re: Charging for Tarot?
Post # 28
Owww I miss you Heather_C19~~~~~
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