The Plan Is ??

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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 21
and no, it was not a joke
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 22
You can keep listing heroes, but none of them could fight for days or months or years. Everyone runs out of energy at some point, and one person cant fight that many. Itll be like an ant running towards a steam roller.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 23
eh true, but he could hold his own, plus the living backwords thing would really help
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 24
...and now I pose the question: What if there isn't one? What if this war's all a bunch of hooey? I mean, the end of the world as we know it has been coming since the first meteorite landed on the first caveman's doorstep.

Just sayin'.

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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 25
then we sit back and party
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 26
But what if there is? I for one don’t ever count the past, I don’t trust anything and by the way, 2012 is the most significant one of all, I actually think people who would think the world would end because some computers would go out are nuts (Y2K) and don’t know why they would compare that to something that’s naturally expected by the 2012 theories, because it’s more realistic for something to happen than man’s computer going to destroy the world because of some error (not saying you are comparing anything). I actually feel something coming……..and the multiple sources are enough, they are reputable….
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 27
The best you could hope to achieve would be with some sort of time control. You could just walk around slaying things and take bathroom breaks if you need to. Or some instant ko glance so you could just sit there and blink them to death. (i can come up with more if you like)

Also if you could even hope to achieve anything with your soldiers i suggest you start now, the only thing i can think of would be some kind of dbz type training were your outside of your own time and gravity and in a simulation room. But realistically were doomed.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 28
I feel that 2012 will be important but I don't feel like it'll be what most people expect, which seems to be destruction and chaos. The world as we know it may end, but does that automatically mean that Hell will be unleashed and humans will all die off? No. It could be some kind of positive world-ascension-thing. It could mean the end of the oil industry (that would end the world as we all know it).

Besides, if Hell breaks loose, there's nothing we mortals can do about it. Why worry about a "spirit war" that has yet shown no signs of coming and worry about things like global warming or feeding the poor or curing AIDs instead?
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 29
Were aware of other possibilities, but this thread is specifically about the war.
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Re: The Plan Is ??
Post # 30
I agree ningyou, enjoy life...........*sighs that i was born into this terror*
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