Pregnant and single

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Pregnant and single

Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 21
yeah i thikn you sohukld pray for the goddes or attract somoen else.. or you can do mature natures way.. get a collge student or anyoen who did'nt have sex and have sexx with only him he will ahve hormones makign him in lvoe with you and a lovign father...
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 22
You can do a spell to make him think about you more but that should be it. Make him think about the good times you guys had, if any. Don’t ever be desperate; it doesn’t make him interested in you but it does the opposite. You can do this by social engineering and being flirtatious, if you know how to do that. You’re having a child, you shouldn’t be worrying about these things anyway but who am I? You should be in the company of loyal family and friends right now. I will PM you some advice later, K’?
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 23
Ok masterme. Thanx. I appreciate all the sound advice i received,but people like nightshade and xeno can go suck their vanillas.they only made me feel worse.anyhow,we went for a sonar together this morning,and guess what..with a little bit of magick and after he heard the heartbeat of our baby,we're back together.u cant use magick to solve all ur problems,but u can definitely use it to help u get what u want. Thanx all :) ciao
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 24
Hey congratulations Blythe!

- MM
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 25
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 26

try looking for WIC and bleview through google. There are several websites that you can look through, to get the help you need. The best thing i can tell you is that you should go to your local hospital and ask them for a list of helpful refrences that could possibly help you out, either by means of a little donation money, help with the clothing for the child (once its born) and making sure there is someone there for you so you can work to make sure that your child is well taken care of. You obviously don't need this guy, no matter how bad it hurts, you are a strong woman, and you need to realize that.
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 27
Well im happy for you but all we were doing was telling you the truth...
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 28
That might be so nightshade, but the truth was not what i needed or asked for... i wanted spell suggestions, that's why i posted on this forum... and thanx to all the private messages i got from all the helpfull people on here, i got exactly that...spell suggestions! and it worked!! yay!
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 29
Sorry but it's a PUBLIC site and when people read things either they really agree with or that really irritate them, they're going to offer their two cents about it. So whether it's what you wanted or not, when you post something like that you're going to get peoples' opinions. *shrugs* yet again...just being honest
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Re: Pregnant and single
Post # 30
Ok ok enough already! Geez i regret posting on this forum. Yikes. How do i delete this friggin thread coz i want no more replies! Get that? No more!
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