Belief Bashing!

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Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 21
I don't know why people assume this is just for mods, to be honest I've seen members who are not mods nor have ranks do this over the time I've been here. What I'm saying is for members(meaning amyone) to just be mindful on how you post your responses. I've seen members who respond in a way that makes it seem as though they are bashing someone down when asking "Can I be a fairy?"(just saw it as an example) and you can just respond with a simple "no, magic cannot change your DNA." And if they argue, then let them figure it out the hard way. I know it is frustrating, I deal with them all the time as well. But, for all members not just the mods, just be mindful when dealing with beginners. If you don't want to then fine I said my two cents.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 22
I think we already discussed this problem.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 23
It actually was discussed to be honest, maybe two or three times before.

Re: Belief Bashing!
By: / Novice
Post # 24
And it will keep coming up if we give it attention.

@ Awake, good post, and yes you can be scary, but you know what you're talking about, and you choose to be blunt, whatever. [And I say this as a person who has felt the sting of your words in the past]

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 25
Maybe some people are a little to sensitive. If you have a radical belief that you know isn't widely accepted, then don't be surprised if people tell you you're wrong.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 26
This post was not for mods, also i have been bullied to...which in some points made me have thoughts. I am on here daily. Every morning, and every night for periods of time.

Also good post AwaketooLong! I don't think you should change, for your Allowed to be who you are, as well as this is what makes you respected!

Also back to a different veiw,Bashing can be a form of ''bullying.'' For those who may not see it, i will explain my veiw.
Stating some one's belief is wrong, is bad. I'm not stating this if it was about impossible stuff, or veiws like,''oh yeah, im a angel''. I'm actually stating it on, beliefs! I saw some people bashing peoples religion's, or veiws on the universe, or world. I see this a little more often which is what this post was actually about. I have no qualms on telling someone your veiw, if they state fantasy or unrealistic veiws and ideas..I do have a problem if you get mad at someone who want's to learn, share's there personnal veiws, and so fourth.

I did not direct this to the mods specifacally. I directed it to member's, and everyone which also included's them. Mod's don't bash belief, but they will gently state a fact, or belief if it's impossible. I accept some critisism...but this was my veiw, and my post on this.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 27
Also we have already discussed this,yes. But it is still happening, and also becoming worse, as well as the fluff.

We will never be able to be a fantasy creature, and should accept who we are, not pretend to be something your not!

There are two kinds of beliefs. One is fantasy, impossible, mythology beliefs. The other is universal veiws, religion, and physical beliefs. The difference? The difference is that one is ''non existent, and the other is more so areality, or belief of the following'' There both wrong, and right in a way.Say if someone states'' There is only one god in my religion'' This, is a personal belief and physical belief in there religion, and the person's mind. But another may state, ''No there are no gods, there is only nymphs...i am one!" This is still there own belief, but it's more fantasy. See the difference? Now not only that, but our veiws and opinions are ours, do they have evidence? Most of the time No, Are they everyone's belief? No... Are they each different? Yes! and, are they each that person's own veiw? Yes. No veiws are right, nor wrong. Some are not always real, but that doesn't mean someone can't believe in it, or have a veiw! Overall thanks for your post's and veiws, this may clear some things up.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 28
There has been actual bullying on beliefs. These are reactions twords people who have apparently reached fluffy status. Every single post they make whether it be a thread they started or one they posted in, it has happened.

I will actually mention a guy who I don't remember the name of but essentially it all started when he posted a theory about how the geometry of the hexagram showed a revelation into the workings of magic. Honestly his hypothesis was terribly done and he had little support to back up his theory and was based off assumptions. Each post my first response would be stating the flaws in his post while others bashed him. It got to the point where I had to defend him because he was in no way treated like he was on the equal ground he should've been. Did I think he was right? Absolutely not! Did I even like him? No! He was way to eccentric and held on to his beliefs too strongly and he reminded me of one of my Hebrew school teachers I absolutely hated! But how he was being treated was an actual form of cyber bullying that was unnecessary.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 29
That is sad to hear, but people need to learn to accept critisism. Not evething ever goes according to ''plan'' or is, ''picture perfect''

This is why I made this post, people actually do get there belief's bashed. I am under the term as fluffy as I heard and I simply don't care. It's a ratung, and i know i'll improve, to me it's a rating.Some whine that there not ranked, other's don't prove anything. Whatever the case is, we should learn to accept critisism, for it will help us in the end, and we learn to accept things easily. Yes my views are not rig, or the ''only way'' but neither are anyone's else's. I appreciate how viral this post went, and I believe that some may stumble along this down the road, and realize many things! I hope I improve, and I hope this post has improved others as well.

Rememeber everyone, you each have your right to have your own views, and opinions. They won't always be agreed with, and many will argue. But accept the fact, accept the criticism, and moved forward. Keep focused, and believe in hard core proven facts, and you'll do fine.

Re: Belief Bashing!
Post # 30
Right, accept, rank, and label*

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