Random Comment

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Re: Random Comment
Post # 241
"I forgot the toilet paper... Again!"
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Re: Random Comment
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 242
the heart ate the toliet paper??
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 243
Did you lose your credit card, tell me the number and i'll find it for you
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 244
starts being um um um um um why are you doing this to me!
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 245
Whack for my Daddy-o
Whack for my daddy-o
There's Whiskey in the jar-o
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 246
wosh thare goes my life
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 247
teenagers in Japan walk into a comic book store

teenagers: "hello, we're Japanese teenagers"
shopkeeper: "Then you must be here to buy some pornographic comic books desguised as graphic novels

I just thought that was funny
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 248
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 249
nightscape is from earth.. sue is from earth.. oakie is from earth.. deal with it!

I'm lost. Do u know where earth is? ^_^
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 250
earth is in the sky *starts to fly*
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