The Coffee Shop

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Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 241

*Happy Nymph dances*

Okay so I am super excited to say I have the Hellenic portion of my Book of Shadows pretty well fleshed out. I have also slowly but surely started revamping my bio as I identify much more with Hellenism the more I read. This is not something new it's just one of those things I tug back and forth between. Within our respective faiths we all have a deity or two that makes us uncomfortable, uneasy, we heavily disagree with them, they conflict or fight with the deities we connect with. Not like play fight but like hardcore there is animosity there and lines have been crossed.

For me this has held me back from considering myself a Hellene/Hellenic Polytheist. But in truth I am and always have been. I just did not want to embrace the term as I saw it as something negitive and tied to some ickyness. I mean this with no disrespect and I won't bother naming which ones as it lacks relevancy and I have respect for others and the fact that they do not interpret the text the same way that I do. But the thing is when you break down the words, "Hellenic Polytheist" Hellenic comes from Hellen of Troy and is taken to mean Greek. Polytheist means the belief in many gods. In many cases is it taken that you not only believe in many but honor more than one as well. Well I would say that I meet all of the above qualifications. And not I feel comfortable identifying that way.

I have begun reconstructing our coven cover page. The application survey has been revamped a little bit. I will be making some more changes to help breathe new life into our Pillow Fort. I have had a viewable OneNote that everyone is welcomed to join that has a lot of our threads, spells, and articles neatly linked for easier and quicker access. If any of you would like to be added to it just mail me your email address so that I can add you to it.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 242

Hey there everyone!

Like an actual coffee shop that I'd go to with friends to catch up, I figured I should let you know what I've been up to and why I was kicked from the group. (In case some of you were actually curious, lol)

January, I drove from Missouri to my home state of Pennsylvania with my mom which is a 13 hour road trip. When we got here, I decided to break up with my now ex and move back. For about 2 months, I was making plans and lists of stuff that needed moved back and blocking my ex's dad's number because he was beginning to harrass me so I was like, okay, simple enough. Bye Felicia.

Since then, I met this wonderful guy who's getting a divorce and has two kids. He and I are deply in love now, as fast as that may seem, but the honeymoon phase is beginning to surpass, yet my feelings for him remain. He's much like me and lifts me up spiritually and supports me which is something my ex never has. Anywho, I was helping him move out of his ex's into my friend's house which is where he now rents a room.

Anyway, things are beginning to simmer down. I have all of my things, there's going to be no more moving, and my work is cutting back my hours, so I should be able to be much more active in the coven than I was these past couple months.

Thanks for adding me back. :)

I missed you guys!


Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 243

I've been feeling a little bit of burn out lately. So I have been trying to relax a little bit and take some time for myself. I've been going for more walks and swimming more. Today my wife took me for sushi, deli sandwiches, and got me some coffee. Then we went to get me two herbs and three boxes of tea. Oh, I also painted my nails. They are rose pink with electric blue splotches. Super grungey the way I like it. I've also almost finished off my current foundation as well as my crayon consealor. That and my Skittles lipgloss. I have almost finished off a pink eyeshadow and have hit pan on both my blush and bronzer. My beige eyeliner is getting close and so is one of my chapsticks. I use chapsticks all the time because my lips can get pretty dry without it and I usually apply chapstick before a clear coat of lipgloss.

All three teas are Yogi brand as I had a good friend of mine recomend that to me. One is supposed to help with stress, the other is supposed to help a little with weight, and the third is to help me sleep. I have pretty bad anxiety attacks and fits of depression so helping destress, yes please! I've been trying to eat better and work out more so I'll take all the help I can get. The sleepy time one I am hoping will help with my dream work stuff, we shall see. Oh, I have also been working on our YouTube channel. It's not much but I have added more to the meditation music section and started an herbalist section as well.

As for the herbs I got they were techinally two kinds of salts. Herbs...spices same diff to me. Reason being I keep my altar organized in such a way where all the herbs/spices go in one place, essential/fragrance oils in another place, incense in their own place, candles in their own section, divination in it's own place, etc. But yeah one is this glass bottle with Mediteranian sea salt little balls. The other is in the same glass bottle and little balls as well but it is black. The white salt I will be putting into my lustral cleansing water with spring water charged in moonlight with a burned bayleaf. The black salt will be rolled onto a black candle for absorbing negative energy and then the remains buried.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 244
*Drink mint tea*

I'm currently moving, hoping to by the weekend at least, and I'm curious to if this will be a good experience, or if I will worry about it too much... My mom isn't the most reliable of sources for important things, so I often wait over extended periods of times where I should have got something done months ago but I needed an adult. Hopefully registering for school will not be the same. School Supplies is another thing I'll probably worry about, due to having low income... Oh well, Let's see how the fates play this out. :) Challenge accepted, Life.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 245

I just wanted to say I'm super thrilled to be back in Natural Magicks with all you lovelies. :)

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 246

*Takes a seat sipping on a white cup full of coffee and milk*

These past days have been a huge roller coaster of feelings and all. I have been decorating my office, I have been working a lot, I have been going out, I have felt sick, etc.

So many things happening all at once! I have been feeling a bit " disconnected " and " off " regarding many subjects. I am currently following my heart in a tough situation praying every day that it's the right choice. Eventhough that's messing with my head I am glad as of right now.

I am focusing more on this coven and on work so it distracts my crazy mind, haha!

Today I went out with my best friend and it was a lovely time like always. Helped me clear my mind and get distracted, as well as getting happy.

Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 247

-letting my black chai with an insane amount of honey get cold as I rush around-

I've been, really really busy. And that really doesn't help my seasonal depression out.

Work is stressful, it's amped up my anxiety and made me super self conscious. Plus it takes a lot of energy out of me, which I find I need for school.

I'm worried that I won't be able to finish up my pre reqs, and if I can't finish them I can't get into horticulture. But I really need to work because money is really tight.

My friend says after awhile it's not so hard, that they finished their coourses while working at the same place at me, but we're not quite doing the same thing. Still it kind of gives me hope that I'm capable of doing the same.

It just means I'm gonna have to cut back on doing a lot of my fun witchy things, less studying tarot until I have the time to focus. Less reading my holistic herbal books. Which is sad but there's a time for everythinga nd right now I need a lot of focus on work and schooling.

Re: The Coffee Shop
By: / Novice
Post # 248

Super nervous about starting my Co-Op today.

I'll be working with Reptiles, venomous and non-venomous, throughout the semester.

And I learned today that I'll be the first student to do their Co-Op at the Reptile Rescue, so I'm also like a guinea pig for this.


Re: The Coffee Shop
Post # 249
Today is kinda of a cold day. Going to get ready for school in a little bit. But first going to have breakfast. Then go out with almost all the crazy people driving. Hopefully get to school, then do wonderful school.
*fake laughs*
After that I am going to see how my day goes, and report back. I am also interested in how everyone else’s day goes. I hope you guys have a great day. And tell me/us how it was.

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