Soul Gender

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Re: Soul Gender
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
This thread has been moved to Misc Topics from Site Spells Discussion.
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 5
Well I'm a guy but think mines a woman if anything but now I think of it the post above could be kinda true you could be both or neither
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 6
Souls don't have genders.

However in physical appearance your gender you are now, but your able to change it if you like.
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Re: Soul Gender
By: / Novice
Post # 7
People have different beliefs on the matter, some say souls have no hanger, change gender between reincarnation, or choose what gended they feel comfortable with. Currently however, your soul is your current gender, meaning if you feel female, your soul is female, and vice versa. Gender identity is a confusing subject [especially today] traditional gender rolls are no more so it's hard to say what's 'male' and 'female' anymore. Also, there are biological factors that could explain why someone is born with male sex organs but feel they are female. We all have male and female energies inside us, some woman/men choose to dress/act feminine, other men/woman choose to dress/act masculine and there is nothing wrong about it. Not everyone is 'a man/woman trapped in a womans/mans body' some like to crossdress, others don't wish to identify their gender, and there's nothing wrong with that [it's just confusing lol] If you feel yours is female, meditate and try to connect with your inner self.
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 8
Nice debate, and excellent question! As to me, i feel like your soul has no gender. Depending on beliefs, how you act, feel, ect. I don't know.

But however as some have said above, try meditation, and grounding techniques. Also i know this is a weird idea, but hopefully this will give you some idea onto the beliefs of yourself, and your soul.

*Write who you want to be, why, and how you think you became to be yourself. *

Next look at your past experiences, how did you act on them? Did you act childish, or more on the mature side. Or a combination of both?
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 9
Agreed with the other posts. Souls do not have gender, but sometimes a soul can "prefer" a gender. In many of my lifetimes, I have been a man. However, when I am at Home (Wiccans call it Summerland, Christians call it Heaven), many times I like to present myself as a young woman.

In this lifetime, I am a woman, and in my most previous one, I was as well. But in my most prevalent, most "educational" lifetime, I was a strong stonemason, MALE, during the French Revolution. And believe me, I still feel that part of me many times!
Good luck to you!
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 10
For me it was something I knew without a doubt something I couldnt say it was something else I know my soul is female an I love it an accept it but being a born male causes major depression in my life b.c I hate being a male when clearly I'm women on the inside good post
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 11
I personal and strongly belief that the soul is hermaphrodite. Souls have both female and male sides. But this is just my personal belief.
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 12
Soul has no gender I guess, maybe it depends upon the body you've taken birth in.
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Re: Soul Gender
Post # 13
Uhm! I know people have posted quite a lot on this but I'd really appreciate if people read what I am going to say!

The gender you are assigned at birth does not have to be your gender,, your body does not define you in any way, although it is more socially accepted that you relate your body to your gender!

But that shouldn't stop you from being who you are,, gender is so fluid and beautiful and you can choose to express it any way you want.

I'd like to point out that "hermaphrodite" and "cross dressing" are very outdated terms. Someone who doesn't follow gender norms or is a gender on conformist would be called "nonbinary".
And I'm pretty sure the term hermaphrodite would now be "intersex".

Also reflecting again that you are not your genitalia,, genitalia is only for doctors and sexual partners in a way, and the term man and woman are only for your health. You don't have to conform to this in any way, you can dress however you please, or act however you please.

You don't even have to choose to be a man or a woman, you could be both or neither! Or all three if you feel that it changes for you.

I can't think of much more to say but I realize how hard it is for people to understand, or for people to accept themselves,, but what really matters is that you are happy and feel safe in your own body. You are so important and loved. You don't need to tell anyone what is in your pants, you don't need to explain why you dress a certain way or feel a certain way. If you decide to look a certain way and take on pronouns that don't seem to fit a binary, you are still who you are.

But also please remember to stay safe and healthy, especially if you bind your chest or plan on transitioning.
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