
Forums ► Site Spells Discussion ► familiars.

Re: familiars.
Post # 4
I agree with Bluewolf, you need to CONNECT with your familiar, not create it.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 5
I got my guardian he is good
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Re: familiars.
Post # 6
i think i worded this wrong i have a cat who i would like to annoint as my familiar. is there a way to do this without being crule to him?
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Re: familiars.
Post # 7
Just connect to it. Maybe you already are and your not aware of it
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Re: familiars.
Post # 8
thank you for your advice.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 9
you can create one thiers a spell actually all you need is a box and imaignation get the box open it and iamgine the anial in thier and ask if it's your fmailair fi it says yes say thqank you so many tiems and embrass it fro beign your fmailair and ti will give advice and will help your rutials and when yuor doen jsut put him in the box and you can pick your fmailair up again.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 10
sims you don't need a box to find your familiar for one they usually find you. You need to connect with your animal and send your energy to them. You should feel it come back if they are your familiar. Most of the time you know right away if its your familiar or not. You can just sense it and they have a way of letting you know. Whats with everyone trying to make or force animals to become familiars. Do some research on it if you don't know for sure.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 11
If you want a spell to help you find your familiar PM me and I will give it to you. Its a spell that will reveal your familiar in your dreams.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 12
too true, they can never be forced to be one, it's a choice they have to make.
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Re: familiars.
Post # 13
There are several dif. types of familiars. Some are created(from your personal energy) most are not. I am posting lessons on Familiars in my class on Animal Magick on the all magick school site if your interested in learning more.
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