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Re: religion
Post # 31
knock knock anyone home.
I might not have said it in those words but I think you just about said the samething I did.

But Look Im not going to argue over somthing that you evidently agree with me on and cant see it.
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Re: religion
Post # 32
I do not worry.. I just like to know. (there is type of magicks.. a form (I believe there is only one)) It is better to know and understand others; it makes things simpler to get along. As for me, magick is just an astral word for those who wants to grasp the meaning of everything.. just like "God" or "Justice". ^_^, so of course each person will have different points of view.. and that is the best things.. to understand each point of view and the best of all is that you do not have to accept it.
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Re: religion
Post # 33
I'm not arguing with you Lady_Amare. This was not dirrected to anyone. It was just for argument's sake and just to point out a few things. Sorry if anyone mis-understood. I am in no way shape or form arguing with anyone. Peace.
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Re: religion
Post # 34
you are wonderful right Variados.

We dont have to accept what they do. heck we dont even have to approve of what they do. but everyone has the right to do as they chose. I dont want somone tell me what I should or shouldnt do. Even tho alot try..lolol. But to run people down for their believes if wrong. If we could just get past the part of Im right and your wrong thing we could have a much better site here and a much better life as far as that goes. So yeah Variados
I agree with you
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Re: religion
Post # 35
I agree also. Good summary...
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