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Re: hello
Post # 31
a dhampir huh hey someone shut that little chihuahua up hey so tell me one thing hows your Soul?
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Re: hello
Post # 32
Coto King, it's an Egyptian Fox, get the animals right... Not a chihuahua (sp?), furthermore, don't tell me to shut up you punk!
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Re: hello
Post # 33
he he sorry thats a bit funny someone finaly truthy shut u up i tired to be kind and u dint listen
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Re: hello
Post # 34
problem solve thankfully, goddamn chihuahua
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Re: hello
Post # 35
I apologise and regret anything I have said in here, I just wanted to say a halfling is a term to describe a hybrid (offspring from 2 different races)
Welcome to the site, Lilbloodvamp, Enjoy your stay, and I hope you forgive me.
All offensive posts will be dealt with by a mod.
I'm sorry for calling you a punk Coto_king.
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Re: hello
Post # 36
so there is a dunpile here. tell me something whats is your fathers name.
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Re: hello
Post # 37
i fogive you and ^^^ i dont no what u on about
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Re: hello
Post # 38
thats my appoligies aswell sir prize but what is a dunpile?
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Re: hello
Post # 39
Dunpile is basically the offspring of "animal + vampire" =|
Halfling I think is the term to describe offspring of "human + vampire/other human-like races"
So, how do you know your father's a vampire, lilbloodvamp? Did he tell you or show you anything?
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Re: hello
Post # 40
i don't mean to be rude but i really want to that fox to see how far i can kick it lol :)
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