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Re: troll
Post # 31
yes this is true for what i see you are not a troll nor have trollish behaver as the person said is very true to lose you is like losing you magic it would be sad with out it
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Re: troll
Post # 32
I dont know what others think but i didn't get any bad or negative vibes from Luzifer ever...
and from what i've seen, he likes to explain things to the members here and tell the truth which is pretty rare on this site today and i can see that he is very knowladgeable and willing to share no i dont consider him a troll or a bad dude...and about the green stuff, hell...if you wanna do it it's your choice and to some, that's the only comfort they get so i dont judge him and i dont even have the right to judge i say Luzifer is a good guy.... *finishes rant*
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Re: troll
Post # 33
Mery Meet Luz

I do widh you had not posted this as this sort of thing looks bad for new comers.

You are a good person. You are the High Priest of my coven and I respect you for that.

I don't know much about the moderators on the site but I do wish they had some more mature people who can come into such a debate as this and maybe shed some light on it.

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