I want power

CovenSpell Casters ► I want power

Re: I want power
Post # 5
I agree with Chaos_Fire. In order to get better at working with energy, spell casting, rituals, and so on you need to actually put in the effort. You aren't going to get anywhere otherwise. If you are a beginner in magic, I would point you to newbie central and the featured articles. They have a lot of good info that could help you out.
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Re: I want power
Post # 6
Update: Problem solved
I found some spells to make an energy absorbing talisman.It is a good one, and guess what,this means that lazy me is actually practicin'...HAH....
I don't need any criticism about the way I do magick, because I can cast spells, thank you.And just because you might have more years of experience than me doesn't change anything,Even if I only spent roughly 2 years on it, I made sure to learn.

Anyways, I found a solution.What I wanted after all was something which would gather energy and put it in me without me having to.You can call this laziness, but I tell you this: What would you do if you couldn't cast spells because of your parents?
And now to end this, I thank you all for your "advice" although some of it sucked. :P
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Re: I want power
Post # 7

i can cast spells without any items.. what u did is simple energy absorbing..no talisman needed really

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Re: I want power
Post # 8

but absorbing energy wont make u so mighty and powerful..just some more energy to cast spells..thats pure basics lol

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Re: I want power
Post # 9
You are right about that.I had experience with talismans before and they did just what you said.
The difference with this is that unlike the beginner level talisman it actually recharges without me.Also it's energy is bound to me, so the energy goes to the talisman, then to me.
The only bad is that the ritual is complex and requires blood and smoky quartz, but anyway.
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Re: I want power
Post # 10

i got a natural stone with crystal that recharges on its own... its just blessed and any time i touch it my energy gets recharged...i didnt need blood for it or anything much but a chant

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Re: I want power
Post # 11
Mine is not blessed, it manipulates it's energy around it and then it is sent to me.Unless my energy's full of course.
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Re: I want power
Post # 12

Well pretty much same thing huh

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Re: I want power
Post # 13
veneficus ut lascivio per ut ultum vox dies per vox that means the witch that plays with to much power dies by power
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Re: I want power
Post # 14
How can I get a crystal to recharge? I'm new. But I'm practicing. And once I get the hang of it is like toget a crystal. Can you help me?
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