Summon Any Animal

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Re: Summon Any Animal
Post # 41
I just want to be clear on this: A SUMMON CAN BE DECLINED!!! if you believe this, as i do, you ARE in a sense asking with a summons spell.
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Re: Summon Any Animal
Post # 42

Firstly, this is a very old thread and I don't get why it was bumped up.

As for the people who say that belief will make it work ; I'll tell you this:

You can believe that you're a toaster over but you obviously won't be one, no matter what you do (just a little joke that actually makes many things clear and answers many things).

Physical animals aren't summoned. Because they are physical. Summoning is a spiritual thing, and spiritual things always stay spiritual. Physical dogs are physical, and physical things always stay physical. Thus, physical animals can't be summoned. There is a big difference between spirituality to physical beings.

If you want to learn something and actually get to know something serious and real about the craft ; what you can do is to call your animal totem / spirit animal which is basically something that many magic practitioners do. This is a spiritual thing (spirit animals are spiritual beings, obviously), thus you can work with them and actually achieve this goal of you attempt to call you spirit animal and find your totem animal.

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Re: Summon Any Animal
Post # 43
That really nice and that is just a start and if you will like to summon many and more
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Re: Summon Any Animal
Post # 44
I am developing a new spell that asks for a puppy from mother nature:

Mother of life I call to thee,
will thou put her trust in me?
for somewhere I know is a pup on its own,
crying, starving, please let it know
I am searching for a little companion,
send one to me to be my little champion

please guide them mother, don't let them die,
show them the way, give them clear skies,
show it that I mean no harm
I'll know it's the one that comes into my arms

Though it will come scrawny and thin,
I shall raise it as my own kin,
please guide them mother, help them move fast,
I'll look each day for two weeks, don't let them walk past.
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Re: Summon Any Animal
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 45

Instead of wasting all the time and energy to summon a puppy to you, especially one that is "scrawny and thin", why don't you simply go to one of the many animal rescue centers and adopt a puppy? There are thousands of them across the country that are desperate for good homes.

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