Magickal light

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Re: Magickal light
Post # 41
We're always checking and scanning the forums to see where we can help, most people on here have been helped in one way or another by one of us without knowing who we are, no problem with that as long as the job gets done.
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Re: Magickal light
Post # 42
I can no longer do this. My position as co-leader is currently up for grabs but pm me if you feel as though you can handle it. I am under a lot of stress and cannot have this stress on top of me so whoever wishes to take my position along with LadyO, pm me and let me konw.
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Re: Magickal light
Post # 43
good to see you all are still making this site a pleasant experience for all.

hopefully we cans stick around for alot longer and help many more people.

sorry about this HUGE leave of absence.
i know it sucks.

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Re: Magickal light
Post # 44
This site has become a very good place for public arguments. While discussing and expressing your view point is ok there has been alot of personal attacks. We are here for that reason to keep the peace. I think people forget about that. Not everything needs to be made public in the forums. If someone is threatening you or harassing you come to one of us for help instead of going to the forums. We will handle the situation as we see best and try to come to a peaceful solution. I know that I myself have been drawn into arguments but the time has come for everyone to start acting mature and get back to what this site is really about.
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Re: Magickal light
Post # 45
yeah.....toasted waffles.....i mean magick!

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Re: Magickal light
Post # 46
Ill take SS's position as CO-leader.

i know it sounds strange, but i think it would be a good thing, having ladyO and i as co-leaders.

anyone who objects post it.

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Re: Magickal light
Post # 47
here is an updated, hopefully complete, list of our members.

SilverVixen, NiteShade, bluewolf, Fargoth96, MasterMe, dracko33, Bledri, White_Rose, Kao, SatanSpawn, Me, LadyOblivion, GazingRuby, trav131, and Exanu

that should be all of us.

interesting, if you think about it, this group is sort of an elite coven within all the other covens.........

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Re: Magickal light
Post # 48
i thought fargoth left, why's his name still there?
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Re: Magickal light
Post # 49
he did didnt he

sorry. thanks for bringing it to my attention
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Re: Magickal light
Post # 50
np, does anybody know why he left?
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