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Re: hello
Post # 45
Then you must persist! Just get the name, and healer might be able to tell some stuff about him =|
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Re: hello
Post # 46
ok i will try
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Re: hello
Post # 47
WELCOME.. I am Variados.. and I advocate Sir Prize.. ^_^
I am with ya all the way on this one WEEEEEE WEEEEE... and i am hardly the one to take sides.. O_o I always take my own.
In either case..Hello Sarah, I am Variados.. and I am some how half fish and more ape if you believe in evolution.. O_O yeah.. ain't that cool.. hahaha.. anyways.. I think I am trying to hard on my satire. O_o in any case, are you saying you are a result of a rape...? That is sad to hear... in either case.. WELCOME.
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Re: hello
Post # 48
yes i am the result of rape i don't mind now i have come to terms with it
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Re: hello
Post # 49
whoa easy there variados now i like you but becareful with this one i wont be nice very soon
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Re: hello
Post # 50
my mum thinks this name is fake but it all shes got so dont say im wronge coz mam mum thinks it fake Thanatos of The Nosferat
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Re: hello
Post # 51
so can tell me anything
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Re: hello
Post # 52
it all depends you know
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Re: hello
Post # 53
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Re: hello
Post # 54
I am here to say hi.... it is sad to here of your past.... but I hope the name will help you find what u seak..... looks as though you have meet the fun ones and nice one so far hope you like it...... bye for now. ta
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