basics for newbies

CovenDivine Spirits ► basics for newbies
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Re: basics for newbies
Post # 6
Thanxs i liked the wicca rede , and all the info :)

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 7
I agree. I just hope they take the time to read through it. It would help them get a better idea of some of the aspects of Wicca and help to answer some of the questions that they might have.

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 8
Thirteen Goals Of A Witch.

1) Know Yourself.

2) Know your Craft

3) Learn

4) Apply knowledge with wisdom.

5) Achieve balance.

6) Keep your words in good order

7) Keep your thoughts in good order

8) Celebrate life.

9) Attune with the cycles of the earth

10) Breathe and eat correctly.

11) Excercise the body.

12) Meditate.

13) Honour the god and goddess.

Remember these things!

not sure who wrote this but I think its pretty cool!

1) A wiccan knows the nature and ways of her time.

2) A wiccan knows what she knows and should make no other claims.

3) A wiccan seeks to harm none, but faced with the necessary choice between two ills, she will seek the lesser.

4) A wiccan places wisdom first in life, rather than love. For love without wisdom is hurtful, but always temper wisdom with love.

5) A wiccan knows to seek not more than she needs, and she shall ever have enough and even abound.

6) A wiccan seeks to know two things, and these are: What she is ,and what deity is, and if she comes to know the answer to either of these she will know the other.

7) A wiccan turns no-one away seeking the ancient knowledge.

8) A wiccan knows that she is one with all things, and all things are one with her.

9) A wiccan strives to overcome fear, of man, death, and other entities/ things.

10) A wiccan knows that all things work best when they are positive to all concerned. She also realizes the duality, for the negative is also part of the oneness.
So seek balance, not stasis. You cannot build upon that which you refuse to recognize.

11) A wiccan knows that there is an element of laughter in all things, no matter how negative they seem. Seek this out, for it is your protection against deviation of mind, and will. It can neutralize and make clear the answer you need.

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 9
I believe the first part of your post came from a book by Scott Cunningham. The second I am unsure of.

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 10
Thank you for the wonderfull information Silver Vixen!

The more I read this particular post, the more convinced I am that I'm on the right path.

I love that God is everything! It is God, the Goddess & not just 1 masculine being. I always asked "How come God is always portrayed as a man?" every one around me thought of that question as a sin since I was questioning the same existence of such a powerfull "man". I kept on asking "Why can't God be a man, woman, animal, tree, flower, dirt, wind, Universe?". The more I asked, the more I got in trouble.

I love the fact that God is EVERYTHING! That you can worship the Goddess or God or your Higher Power of your choosing.

I love the fact that there is no herarchy in Wicca. That we are all equal & that the one that have a better understanding of wicca are always willing to teach those of us who need the information!
I love the fact that all who practice wicca respect everything we have around us: The Earth, wind, tree, animals, people, Universe etc!
I like that wiccans believe in the 3 fold law!
I like that wiccans believe that like there is good, there is evil & by these I mean evil people that find a way to hurt other people.

This information is very usefull & it helped me to reasure me that I'm on the right path & most important that I'm not disrespecting God or the believes that I grew up with.

It fills my heart w/ joy to know that Wicca is love for evey one & everything.

Re: basics for newbies
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 11
The Witches' Pyramid:



Re: basics for newbies
Post # 12
Thanks for this! I'm a newbie, and this is very helpful!

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 13
I am so reading these over & over until they stick into my head. I know there are so many things I can learn from all this information.
Thank you so much!

Blessed Be,

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 14
Serpentfire- basics

Okay for all those who are new to magick here are some pointers
and some frequently asked questions.

Q Can someone give me some easy spells?
A There are no easy spells really, some spells tend to work better for some people because of your natural element, Your zodiac determines your element, somepeople also say you can meditate to find out which is true but i tell people to avoid it because you can give your self false results due to the desire to have an affinity with a certain element. Please know that no element is better than another and they all play a part in the universe. Everyone's results will differ depending on that here is basic list of elemental traits:

Air signs:Libra Aquarius and Gemini

Here is a few listings on appropriate spells to try for first timers under the air element

Air spells
love spells
change spells
fire spells (do this last as you will need to control air based energy to fuel the outcome)

Herbs ruled by the Libra zodiac:please know that there may be more than listed here and that these herbs give special favor to those under its reign

Catnip, elderberry, thyme, iris, lillies, moneywort, ivy, St John?s wort, bergamot, lemon balm Mint, Cayenne

Aquarius herbs- comfrey, rosemary, sage, mint, fennel, wormwood, southernwood, violets, daffodil, Valerian,Pepper, Chillies

Gemini herbs-Dill, mint, parsley, anise, lavender, marjoram, fennel, oregano, licorice, honeysuckle, horehound,Aniseed, Marjoram, Caraway, Balm, Bittersweet

Earth signs:Capricorn Taurus Virgo

Appropriate spell list for earth

Earth spells
plant spells
regeneration spells
strength spells
defense spells

Capricorn herbs-Rosemary, dill, tarragon, caraway, chamomile, heartsease, lambs ears, rosemary, marjoram,

Happy Zodiac herb gardening, Judy Hemp, Comfrey, Knapweed, Hemlock, Henbane

Taurus herbs-Mint, thyme, elderberry, primrose, violet, marshmallow, catnip, rose, carnation, honeysuckle, saffron, strawberry, jasmine, soapwort, tansy, wormwood, yarrow, Cloves, Sorrel, Spearmint

Virgo herbs- caraway, dill, mint, chervil, morning glory, cornflower, petunias, horehound, lavender, lily, marjoram,
Cardamon(also called Cardamom)

Water Signs: Cancer Scorpio Pisces

Appropriate spell list

Rain spells
Healing spells
Cleansing spells
General water spells
water scrying spells

Cancer's herbs- sage, parsley, mugwort, aloe, evening primrose, lemon balm, myrtle, cinnamon, water lily, hyacinth, ''all night blooming flowers'', bay leaves, agrimony,Saxifrage, Verbena, Tarragon

Scorpio herbs-basil, catmint, sage, catnip, coriander, honeysuckle, nettle, onion, wormwood, elder, garlic,Witch Hazel, Catmint.

Pisces herbs- lemonbalm, basil, nutmeg, sage, borage, lilac, lillies, clove,Succory, Lime, Mosses

Fire signs:Aries Leo Sagittarius

Appropriate spell list

sun spells
fire based spells
fire scrying spells

Aries herbs-basil, catmint, nettle, wormwood, geranium, cypress pine, chervil, carnation, Capers, Mustard, Cayenne Pepper

Leo herbs- lemonbalm, tarragon, dill, rue, chamomile, sandalwood, frankincense, camphor, clove, eyebright, sunflower,Saffron, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rue

Sagittarius herbs -sage, basil, borage, chervil, nutmeg, sage, clove, saffron.

On further knowledge the herbs also transcend the zodiac and into planets. Every one normally is born under a planet, specific planets are listed in a planetary hours guide with certain times of its rule. ******Read below******

Note:1st hour will be 1am 24th hour will be 12pm, at the time you were born will be the planet in which you are under rule.

Hours Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1st Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
2nd Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
3rd Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
4th Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus Mars Saturn Sun
5th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
6th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
7th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
8th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
9th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
10th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
11th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
12th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
13th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
14th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
15th Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
16th Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
17th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars
18th Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun
19th Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
20th Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury
21th Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon
22nd Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
23rd Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter
24th Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Sun Moon Mars

By using this guide you can also gain the knowledge of the best times to complete a certain spell.

Sun Hours: General success and recognition; spiritual illumination; decisiveness, vitality; activities requiring courage or a mood of self-certainty ? making big decisions, scheduling meetings for reaching decisions, giving speeches, launching new projects; seeking favors from father, husband, boss

Venus Hours: Love; friendship; artistic and social success; enjoyable, sociable and aesthetic activities such as parties, social gatherings, recitals / exhibitions, weddings, visits, dating and seeking romance; planting ornamentals; buying gifts, clothing, luxuries; beauty treatments; seeking favors from women.

Mercury Hours: Success in studies / communications; children; making a good impression; routine activities and activities needing clear communications; teaching / learning; important business letters / phone calls; meetings to develop or communicate ideas; buying / selling; routine shopping, errands, travel; job applications / interviews; seeking favors from neighbors, co-workers.

Moon Hours: Health; home (buying home, moving); journeys / vacationing (time of leaving home or takeoff); activities remote in time or space ? meditation, making reservations, finding lost objects or people; planting food crops; hiring employees; seeking favors from mother, wife, employees.

Saturn Hours: Discipline and patience; giving up bad habits; overcoming obstacles; success with difficult tasks or difficult people; projects of long duration ? breaking ground, laying foundations; planting perennials; treating chronic illness; making repairs; seeking favors from older people (not relatives) or difficult people.

Jupiter Hours: Wisdom, optimism; money (borrowing / lending/ investing / earning / winning); activities necessitating enthusiasm; buying lottery tickets; seeking advice / consultation; settling disputes; seeking favors from grandparents, aunts and uncles, advisers (doctors, lawyers, accountants, astrologers).

Mars Hours: Courage, adventure; enforcing your will; success with drastic action (lawsuits, conflicts, going to war, surgery); sports, exercises; risk-taking; making complaints; firing employees; seeking favors of husband or boyfriend.
For example, A man should ask a woman out on a date during a Venus hour; a woman should ask a man out on a date during a Mars hour; one should ask one's boss for a favor during a sun hour; money should be invested during a Jupiter hour; medical treatments should commence under a moon hour (except surgery should commence under a Mars hour); and so on.

You also have herbs that rule certain planets which will correspond to you as well.

Venus herbs
Peppermint *Rose *Thyme *Burdock *Catnip *Colt's Foot *Lady's Mantle *Motherwort *Mugwort *PennyRoyal *Raspberry *Yarrow *Elder *Feverfew *Mallow, Marsh *Tansy *Plantain *

Mars herbs- Aloe *Basil *Black Pepper *Pine *Blessed Thistle *Hops *Nettle *Cayenne Pepper *Garlic *Self-Heal *Hawthorn *Broom, Butcher's *Wormwood *Barberry, Common *Tarragon *Pepper, Black *Thistle, Blessed Holy *Stinging Nettle *All-Heal *

Sun herbs:Chamomile *Celery *Juniper *Rosemary *Angelica *Lovage *Rue *St. John's Wort *Bay Laurel *Eyebright *Butterbur *Laurel, Bay * Sweet Bay Laurel * Mistletoe *

Moon herbs- Clary Sage *White Willow *Chickweed *Cleavers

jupiter herbs:Jasmine *Lemon Balm *Sage *Borage *Chervil *Dandelion *Hyssop *Meadowsweet *Bilberry *Agrimony *Costmary *Melissa *

Saturn herbs: Comfrey *Shepherd's Purse *Mullein *Hemp/Cannabis *Elm, Slippery *Slippery Elm *Cannabis/Hemp

Mercury herbs: Caraway *Dill *Fennel *Lavender *Marjoram,Sweet *Myrtle *Oregano *Licorice *Parsley *Valerian *Horehound, White *Fenugreek *Flax *Carrot *Sweet Marjoram *

Final advise: until i return to add more info Ground , Center and balance your powers regularly to keep a proper flow of spell work

Note:sleepiness after spellwork may be a sign that you need to ground.

Re: basics for newbies
Post # 15
alternative of the Wiccan Rede full version with the part of unless in self defense it be added in.

Bide the Wiccan laws ye must
in perfect love and perfect trust

Live and let live,
fairly take and fairly give.

Cast the circle thrice about
to keep all evil spirits out.

To bind the spell every time,
let the spell be spake in rhyme.

Soft of eye and light of touch,
speak little and listen much.

Deosil go by the waxing moon,
sing and dance the Witch's Rune.

Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new
kiss thy hand to her times two.

When the moon rides at her peak
then your heart's desire speak.

Heed the northwind's mighty gale,
lock the door and drop the sail.

When the wind comes from the south
love will kiss you on the mouth.

When the wind blows from the east
expect the new and set the feast.

When the westwind blows o'er thee
departed spirits restless be.

Nine woods in the cauldron go
burn them fast, burn them slow.

Elder be the Lady's tree
Burn it not or cursed be.

When the wheel begins to turn,
let the Beltane fires burn.

When the wheel has turned to Yule,
light the log and let Pan rule.

Heed ye flower. bush, and tree
by the Lady, blessed be.

Where the rippling waters flow
cast a stone and truth ye'll know.

Whenever ye have a need
Hearken not to others' greed.

With the fool no season spend
nor be counted as his friend.

Merry meet and merry part,
bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the threefold law you should
three times bad, three times good.

Except in thine own defense it be,
ever mind the rule of three.

When misfortune is enow,
wear the blue star on thy brow.

True in love ever be
unless thy love is false to thee.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An it harm none, do what thou will.

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