Demon question

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Re: Demon question
Post # 51
Joe.. that made you look so childish..
Demons like being demons, why would they want to be in a human's body for..?
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Re: Demon question
Post # 52

The apple seeds have a really strong aura. It's a good way to excercise your third eye. Simply, pick them out, and stare at them for a long time. And you'll entually see it.

Also: I'm going to have to agree with Jahbulon, he seems to back up everything he says with logic. He makes good points.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 53
Right every1 quit it right now. Stop going on about one post ok and stick with the topic of the accual thread whish was a question;

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Re: Demon question
Post # 54
I've described the apple. I also have to agree with Jahbulon and Barbarious. Jahbulon always backs up his post with logic and evidence. Its evident that when a demon possesses the human soul, the human soul loses complete control. The humans will would have to be strong for it to break free. Also, as Sir_Prize said, vampyrism is a disability. It doesnt help the infected in any way unless you like staying up all night and having to consume anothers blood. Well that is my belief and my opinion on this subject. Im not subjagating anyones beliefs, just stating my own.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 55
Yes I will have to agree every1 is entitled to their own opinion no matter how much we don't like it.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 56
It dont matter how much you like it. No-one likes the truth, because sometimes...TRUTH HURTS.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 57
Truth u think that demons don't inhabbit bodies. Some demons arnt all evil ya kno. Some want to coexsist with humans, to learn, to help. Its not all about to kill. Why can't ppl have ready and open minds.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 58
Excuse me Bacca, Did I state that demons cannot enter human bodies? No. Did I state that all demons are bad? No. SO I dont know where your grabbing your conclusions from but its best you put them back where you got them.
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Re: Demon question
Post # 59
Since an apple cut horizontally shows a pentagram at the center, formed by the seeds ...

try it and see ..................
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Re: Demon question
Post # 60
I apologise I'm just frustrated at some ppl saying certain things don't exist and certain things are not possible. Everything is possible if you do it the right way
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