New Knowledge Ranking

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Re: New Knowledge Ranking
Post # 51
Why was my rank removed? This morning I was Beginner and now I am nothing at all. What's up?
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Re: New Knowledge Ranking
By: / Beginner
Post # 52

I don't know what to say, Merlin except to just give it time. Reputation was never the issue for me, I just trusted the mods to know where I truly stand. Just keep contributing, they'll eventually recognize it. I know another little part that helps is your profile. Everything that I've learned to my knowledge in the craft I've always updated my profile for it, that way when someone needs some kind of help, people can feel free to ask and message me if I know enough in that field.

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Re: New Knowledge Ranking
Post # 53
I would not let the "system" in place get me down. I have been practicing for 8 years before. Been at this site before.( Though some say that the first "Lady Tessa" was banned, I assure you that was never the case I left because i wanted to.)
I am secure enough in my abilites not to care what others label me as. Insecurities in your abilities in never a good thing, and can lead to spells Not working. So keep practicing reading learning. And if you want to stay here just follow the rules.If you want to constantly complain you will eventually go away or get banned.
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Re: New Knowledge Ranking
Post # 54
if you are overly worried about something that is online then stop spending time online and go learn. As the old saying goes- those who know much say nothing. Those who say much know nothing. Hence why I'm usually quiet or not even on.
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