mermaid spell MIGHT work

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Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 8
As for mermaids not bieng real? We have explored our galaxy more than our oceans. We discover new species every day. It is possible, and not even that terribly unlikely.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 9
Wow, thank you all. It is nice to hear all this information. It is a bit of a concern for me, because I am actually a fisherman. I fish, out on the water, seasonally. I've heard of stories of a woman that lives in the area that I fish, who will take the lives of the boat, that she so chooses, when she wants to take some lives, and will create a vortex of swirling water, during a storm. The fishermen will never be seen again, nor will their boat. I heard this happens to fishermen who are lost, while it's storming.

Where I am from, people are actually well acquainted with the land-based nature spirits. Their description is a whole other different story.

I know of the 'gnomes,' from where I am from, but I have the slightest clue about mermaid spirits. Very real very scary real extraordinary.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 10
I truly wish I knew why people feel the need to get some peoples hopes up like this. It can not be done now or ever. You can't change your DNA and that is exactly what something like this would call for.

Please Stop Posting this junk!

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 11
Yeah, I don't think anyone can be a freaking mermaid, for crying out loud. Nature spirits are one thing that us pagans believe, but channeling those spirits might be one of another thing to consider.

Yeah, please stop posting subjects on how to become mythical creatures, even if you can claim to channel them. Even if channeling nature spirits is plausible, the general consensus is. . . And I repeat, with am exclamatory punctuation! Yes! If in fact, you claim anything in relation to being that of any mythological creature, it is best you keep your kind in your mythological spectrum of your own dreamy reality afar, from the eyes' of the norm. Not only do we not have the patience for it, it is apparent we don't have the tenacity for the open perceptive mind for it.

Now that you mention DNA, I have always wondered what is all that junk DNA about? If you believe in Adam, as in, from which all came, Adam, is the very human being whose DNA is entirely unlocked, and was unlocked. The story goes, when Adam fell, he was in the full grace of Yahweh, before he decided to eat, what some theologians believe to be a grape. That very grape, changed what was flowing through Adam's veins, which was said and believed to be Yahweh's immortal essence, Yahweh's life force. So when Adam, decided to eat that which was forbidden, it changed what flowed through his veins, and in turn blood flowed through his veins, because he decided to want to know the difference between good and evil. So Adam fell, he fell from grace, forever cursing man to work for his food and having to earn the gift of union and salvation.

Just a little interesting, since DNA was mentioned. I don't see why biblical apocrypha can't be mentioned with the occult, and related, because the two actually heavily intertwine with each other, in my ethereal life and path. You can't have this without that, you can't have that without this, sort of thing. Yes, Adam, now we shall surely die.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 12
Lol. Sorry regaining composure. *smack* much better now!

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 13
Oh, by the way, if I remember right, true bred christians, are forbidden to drink of blood, for many reasons, and are forbidden to drink wine, in that respects. Wine represents blood, blood is represented by wine. Wine comes from grapes. So there you have the logically representation of why some theologians believe or hypothesize the grape theory. So there you have it! . . . DNA debunked, in the spiritual sense, and why it is that man, and everything that has blood flowing through their and its veins, aren't immortal. We have souls, we can't kill a spirit, because spirits and our souls are believed to be the immortal part of us.

If anything of the least, that of what I just said, highly believed or not, adds to the plausible theory or belief of reincarnation. And I second that.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 14
i believe in mermaids and if others think me crazy i don't care. I don't believe you can turn into one but i have come across some mermaid spells where you call on these deities of the sea to give you confidence, beauty and love. After all people will argue that fairies don't exist or angels or even the higher power. The belief in these deities must stem from somewhere in a time long ago. I myself tried a mermaid spell for confidence a while ago and i found it worked wonders. again with these type of spells it all boils down to what you believe.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 15
And shimmygirl nails it on the head with a brick. Its all about faith.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
Post # 16
Interesting story, but I don't understand why people think they can turn into such creatures. creatures that don't even exist. I've only been here since yesterday and have already seen lots of spells that aren't authentic.

Re: mermaid spell MIGHT work
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 17
You are a simple, mortal, human being like everyone else and so you shall remain in this life. I invite all of you who are caught up in fantasy/make believe to take the opportunity this site offers to learn real magic. Check out our newibe central area located on the home tab. You can also search magic basics in the site search engine located in the upper right of the screen.

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