To the older members...

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Re: To the older members...
Post # 71
It was pretty stupid. All had to do with "the war" that some people were claiming would happen.
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Re: To the older members.
Post # 72
Young people tend to misunderstand that the astral is really not just war.Besides that,many of them are so egoistic and stubborn due to the fact of us,older members defying their own actions.

How the past year happened was rather a misunderstanding of young people who went very crazy with all their "powerful" desires such as claiming to be greater.In addition,many of them truly caused many wars in astral due to their fantasies which is shown to be reality to them.

Because of this,they really tore apart many old members but still some have reflected their own action and began to turn to a new leaf.Which is good,to be precise.

There`s still much damage caused to the site.
To be honest,i`m seeing more immature people who can`t seem to cope well with themselves.

I do admit that i was once an RP here but in truth,i was observing how well they would be open to my views of thinking.

Other than that,please grow up and deal with yourself.Reality doesn`t give mercy to anyone because the one that is truly hindering you is not us but your fantasies.

We`ve been relaying this message so many times but this can`t get to your heads.Trust will always be unfair to those who won`t just get real and awake from their sleeps.
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