I am Devlin

Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► I am Devlin

Re: I am Devlin
Post # 71
To buy your own tarot? Well the reason they say not to buy it, it is because it is better when given by some one else...it gots more meaning..(my opinion only)

I am a 100 % Otaku....watched over 200 animes.... just like Magick started in early age familiarizing with it....

Watashi wa otaku desu!
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 72
Haven't heard from you in two pages haha I missed you!

And that makes sense.

haha I have ALWAYS loved anime but I'm just now REALLY!!! getting into it! And you and my friends should meet THEY LOVE ANIME!!! haha like they literally go to EVERY animecon there is ANYWHERE! They want to take me but I don't like my cosplay very much. Only because everyone else hates it :(

Watashi wa Debudi! Atleast that's what my friend who is Japanese, his bother and their father call me when they speak in Japanese.(They only do that so I can't know what they are saying! But I will learn! I won't tell them I'll just listening and pretend not to know anything! HAHAHAH!!!!!!!)
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 73
Woo hoo....
You should go to my profile and click on view my page, it will take you to my youtube.... and you can see my amvs...
I started to make amv this year...^_^ I am a newbie I though I should give it a try.... *_* since you like animes, I thought you would like to see them...in any case, I was reading what you all were talking while I was not responding... ^_^ party goes without me...such sadness causes to my heart.... :(
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 74
I will check them out and I will befriend you on youtube as well cause I have my own that I made like 2yrs ago I think and they had some decent ratings.

And if it was not for you I don't think people would be talking to me this much. :D I kept asking myself where you went haha.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 75
^_^ Thanks....no I just tend to appear and disappear at times.. ^_^ I hope you like my amvs...and well...so what new have you learn in Magick..
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 76
Well that's good to know.

I've actually come here to talk about what I like to talk about with people who understand me. I haven't really look at any spells or anything, I can't(ADHD) haha so I'm constantly going from one thing to the next and can't stay on one spell long enough to finish reading. It's not that I'm not interested it's just that I have a REAL hard time focusing.

And I looked at your AMVs they were AWESOME!!! I REALLY!!! liked the FF7 one.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 77
WOOO HOOO....and I am still a newbie...hahaha and my software suxz.... ^_^ in any case, you can ask me questions about magick and stuff...I do not know of terms that much but i can have info that you might find important..
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 78
I like only Hentai.
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 79
haha well that's ok all my work was done on Windows Movie Maker. And thank you I will be sure to come to you first if I have any questions. :)

And Clement what an odd thing to say after no comment after a few days haha
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Re: I am Devlin
Post # 80
I used the same one...and freezes and stuff...I never get to see what I am doing till is done... ^_^ which is no good, i have to guess what I am really doing
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