Fantasy land

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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 71
everyone is entitled to thier own opinions, including mods.

she had a strong, and logical belief. She was just fed up with roleplayer's. this is totally udnerstandable. i too despair at the amount of "roleplaying" threads i have to dig through to find a serious discussion.....its disheartening when a thread about being a half vampyre sailormoon princess from the planet of the wooki's gets more views and posts then a serious thread offering true help.

ps. she is longer a mod i dont think, and this thread is quite old.

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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 72
Maeglin sounds like my teacher...really..
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 73
LOL my goodness this thread is old ..
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Re: Fantasy land
Post # 74
As some one who is new to this site, and to magic in general in any sort of practical application, I must admit to having difficulty sorting through what is real and helpful and what is some one's fantasy wishful thinking. Could anyone perhaps help me with this, some guidelines as to what is real (or at least useful) and what is not?
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