Quote to remember

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Re: Quote to remember
By: / Novice
Post # 9
It was a joke :P
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 10
I got it, and thought it was funny Perdurabo,LOL
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Re: Quote to remember
By: / Novice
Post # 11
I mean, I gotta say, and I'm not ashamed to, that I find Healer a little bit intimidating and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to cross her, or meet her in a dark alley or a well-lit arena, for that matter. Even I have to shut up or agree.
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 12
now THATS words of wisdom lol!
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 13
Huh? What arguement have you EVER won?

And Perdu, really...I'm a sweet girl. I wouldn't hurt you!

I may make you cry, but never physically harm you =P
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 14
I deleted my first post to try to save myself...but I was too slow,she'd already seen it...it said..Your right Perdu,Shes not only beautiful,but intelligent and outspoken.I do win the occasional argument,but I think she only lets me win thoses out of pity,lol ....and Im sure I must have won one...at some point,lol
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 15
Words so true have never been spoken quite as well as you have put them Healer. :)
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 16
Giving a sperm is not a bad Idea>lol.

i agree with Nordk... healer can really transfix a men with a look.I am no kidding(straight from the heart)...hahahahah.

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Re: Quote to remember
By: / Novice
Post # 17

Nodrk, if you ever do have a victorious argument, remember it....that way you can state the final valid point at the end of every other argument. It'll make you feel better once you realize you're out of options.

Healer, someone who can make you cry without touching you is worse than being waken up by having a cigarette put out on your forehead. It stings more and angers more.
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Re: Quote to remember
Post # 18
Ive won many arguments with u Healer.....Word of warning never call healer a B**ch....i barley escaped!!!

luv ya natt!
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