Christian witches

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Re: Christian witches
Post # 91
wouold love to hear your story
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 92
I am Christian, and beleive in the practice of Magic, Magick of Magik, depending on what you call it.I have always had a love for the art, but only recently started practice.
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 93
In reply to the Warlock comment, that's not strictly true. If you look it up you'll see that in Scotland, specifically in traditional witchcraft, that warlock does actually refer to a male witch. It's believed that this came from the old norse vardlokkur. However, these are just labels, you can call yourself anything you want.
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Re: Christian witches
By: / Beginner
Post # 94
I believe in the christian God, but I'm not a Christian because I don't really believe the Bible's correct or that their God is the only God.
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 95
The only thing that makes a Christian a Christian is that the individual in question believes that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah.

Other than that you aren't required to believe anything else.
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Re: Christian witches
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 96
Rikka, you are wasting your breath. Many on this site refuse to believe; and are content to "sit on the fence". If you believe that Jesus was God-made-man then you are a Christian (even if you do not attend church); if you do not believe it, then you are a Pagan. You cannot be both!
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 97
I wanted to post this link for everyone because I think it clears up a few things -

Be warned, there is a bunch of technical jargon in it as it was written by someone with PhD.
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 98
You can be Christian and use pagan practices, I feel, in order to work through your beliefs. Its really more a question of personal preferences. Also that link is very nice and explains things very well Vixen. ^_^ Thanks for it.
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 99
Okay, this was a very interesting article. What I drew from it (I don't know about the rest of you) is that you can't really be both a Pagan and a Christian, however, I gleam that it is possible to mix traditions from the two to define your own path... thus defining your own version of either Pagan or Christian beliefs... well that is at least what I think...
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Re: Christian witches
Post # 100
I'm a Christian Wicca, I believe in Christ, I've been washed in his blood, and go to church every Sunday morning.
Don't worry about being alone!!!
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