Hello people

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Hello people
Post # 1
Im nwe here and its nice to meet you :)

i need some help in ill be glad if eny one can help me.

1.What kinde of meditation is recomended for people want to work with Magic?

2.How i make a magic circle and how i close it? do i have cast all the spels in the circle?

3.can enyone give me a powerful spell to cure some one who have serious mental problems?
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Re: Hello people
Post # 2
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Re: Hello people
Post # 3
Welcome to the site, drop me a pm and i will see how i can help you out, unfortunately my explanations may be too long for a thread, so i warn you beforehand i may bored you senseless.
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Re: Hello people
Post # 4
I believe that Kao will explain them very well to you. Keep the work!
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Re: Hello people
Post # 5
Merry Meet Nina. I will try to answer your questions simply.
1. Simple meditation to clear your mind. Try looking at the flame of a candle and just concentrating on that. What you are trying to do is clear your mind so you can raise power and concentrate on the spell. It's not difficult and you don't need to learn all types of meditation.

2.A circle is sacred space and you use it so you can be protected and have no harm come to you while doing spells and to focus the energies and intent of what the actual spell casting is for.
One of the simplest ways to cast a circle is to visualize a sphere of blue or gold light forming around yourself and expanding for several yards in each direction.
Other ways include walking round in a circle beating a drum, clapping or using bells, and visualizing the circle being created as you walk round.
Representations of the elements may be carried around the circle, such as a incense (air), candle (fire), water (water) and salt (earth) to consecrate and purify the space. Some people also sweep the circle with a besom (broom) prior to casting the circle. Do this by walking deosil (sunwise - which is clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anticlockwise in the Southern Hemisphere) sweeping the boundaries of the circle.
Circles are generally cast sunwise in the northern hemisphere, starting and finishing in the east, the place of the sunrise. At the end of a ritual, the circle is opened (closed)by reversing the casting, so if you visualized coloured light forming a sphere, you take the light back into yourself; if you walked around playing a musical instrument, you walk round anti-clockwise, playing the instrument again, etc. In the Southern Hemisphere, things are usually done in the reverse from how they are done in the Northern Hemisphere - which is due to the way in which the Sun appears to move anti-clockwise through the sky at day
The circle should be opened at the end of your rite with words of intent, here is an example:
“By the Earth that is Her body, by the living waters of Her womb, by the fire of Her bright spirit and by the Air that is Her breath, the circle is open yet unbroken!”

3.Sorry I cannot give you this as all the spells I have for this type of thing can not be done by anyone starting out in Magick as they need a lot of time and energy to perform. My best advice is to do small healing spells such as candle spells each day for this person - something you can manage even as a beginner.

Hope this helps Hugs Rowan Adara

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