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Post # 1
i don't know why...but my dreams have gone from simple dreams to more complicated dreams. last night i drempt of weird things. of people i don't know, but feel like my best friends. when i get hurt in my dreams it feels real, and i can feel the pain. once, i was trying to escape from a man and i jumped into a pool. i held my breath underwater and then suddenly woke up because i had been holding my breath in real life.
these dreams are becoming weirder and more complicated. i feel like my dreams are trying to tell me something...but what?
does anyone know why my dreams have taken this turn??

blessed be
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Re: dreams
Post # 2
It's possible that these people you are dreaming of are very close friends from a past life. Holding your breathe while you were sleeping and waking up from it might be a sign of sleep apnea.
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Re: dreams
Post # 3
ive no idea on dream interpretation but there is a forum were people can discuss dreams and the meanings etc not sure if it will be of use


until recently i could never remember my dreams but lately i do and have the same or similar dream. I never gave it much thought really till reading your post and got me wondering. I consistantly dream that im involved in a fight and this guy pulls a knife on me and in the struggle i kill him. I can also remember court and being in prison but does not always happen in its entirety sometimes just the court or im in jail for this offence etc what does this mean ? i could never remember my dreams until this one and id say over the past three weeks id have this dream around 10 times.
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Re: dreams
Post # 4
what is sleep apnea?
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Re: dreams
Post # 5
its when you like hold your breath when you sleep
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