before the titans

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before the titans
Post # 1
can can one tell me anything about the ones before the titans
no the gods came after them
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Re: before the titans
Post # 2
No, the greek Deities were created after the Titas, the universal Gods were there before them, who do you think created the Titans? To truly understand the concept of the Titans in relation to fact and logic you cannot let yourself be limited by only one ages deities or belief systems.
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Re: before the titans
Post # 3
look at the world as a whole... buddah is older than the greek deities but still... he is very young compared to the ancient gods of the universe
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Re: before the titans
Post # 4
My theory is that titans were prime builders of universe that spawned from khaos..

Khaos was first.
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Re: before the titans
Post # 5
As Greek mythology goes, there was nothing but Chaos. The Earth excisted, it was just a terrible place. Then Chrono and Gaea came forth from this Chaos and created order. They had two sets of children, the Olympians and the Titans. This never actually happened, but the beings do exist as Thoughtforms on the Astral Plain.
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Re: before the titans
Post # 6
actually, it was and i'm gonna translate most of the names: earth,sky, tarturas, and it was earth and sky that embraced that created the titans and the titans who created the greek gods
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Re: before the titans
Post # 7
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