the kingdom of god

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the kingdom of god
Post # 1
i am not a christian, however i do believe that Jesus of Nazereth was a man who found true spirituality. the lessons he had to teach are all significant if incorporated into our own personalities and values... this is my favourite lesson

these are the last words of Jesus of Nazereth to his deciples at the last supper. it is his instruction on how to continue serving the greater power (god) after his passing. (yes, Jesus had planned his capture with his most valued and trusted of deciples, Judis.)

"the kingdom of god is inside of you, and all around you.
it is not confined to mansions of stone and wood.
split a piece of wood and you will find me there,
lift a stone and you will find me."

the message is true for all religions. it doesnt matter what the elders or ancient writings/bibles in your religion say. there should never be any obstruction between you and your god... look into yourself and you will find the truths
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 2
So very, very true. A very good message of his.
I take my hat off to you, for your truthful comment about Judas too;)
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 3
I agree with you Balance.

I think the churches and those that run them have taken such beautiful sayings and teachings and turned them into something else.

Jesus was a great prophet as was Buddha and so many others. We should learn from all those who are wise teachers.


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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 4
Learn from their example, follow what is true to you on the inside. Rowan, that is exactly the reason why i don't follow an organised religion but still use some of the lessons contained within depending on the teachings.
The above piece is truly on of my favorite pieces, each time i read it it effects me in such a significant manner that i almost feel like exploding and breaking down at the same time, all i can do is smile and go with it ;)
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 5
Reference please? I need it.
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 6
Gospel of St. Thomas
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Re: the kingdom of god
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Absolutely perfect and appropriate fro everyone of every religion. Especially for the people who think that they need to go to church or read the bible to become "closer" with god. When the reality is, they must look inside themselves along as everything else. Thanks for writing that. =0)
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Re: the kingdom of god
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 8
However there is no historical figure named Jesus that was written about, there are a few minor clips about a christ or christe during the time that Jesus was said to have lived. Like the term buddha it is not a name but a title given to a person who has reached enlightenment. Personally I believe that christ shakes her head at what the christian religion has become. The words have been twisted and the ideas changed from love thy neighbor to eliminate all who do not taken Jesus as their lord and savior. The christian ideas of heaven is a place where only they make it and everyone else is left outside the gates.

This doesn't sound anything like heaven to me.

Heaven, Heaven is a place, a place where nothing, nothing ever happens. The Talking Heads
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 9
Yes Balance that is one of my favorite bible verses as well.I also love the one in Acts, where it says we are given gifts of the spirit,such as healing,and visions, However as Katie pointed out The Christians have twisted their own religion so much. Most will now tell you."But those gifts went away with the apositles"! But their own book does not say that! It is just another power play so some of us will not realize our true potential in life, which is very very wrong.
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Re: the kingdom of god
Post # 10
christianity to me is just another form of controlling the masses, sorry for those who i offend, but i emplore you to look at your own religion and see if what you have been taught is true to you, or are you just following blindly like a sheep eating up whatever gets tossed to you.
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