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Post # 1
Dang, all I do on this sight is ask questions but: I learned that my element is earth, but... I am torn between earth and.....Water. I can some how change the temp of water but havent tried with earth. So what am I? I can control water but my elemant is earth. HELP!!!!!
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Re: Help
Post # 2
As far as I know, your element is based on astrological stuff. Just because you learned to control water doesn't make earth any less your element.

You also don't have to stick with just one element. Many people are able to drawn energy from all the elements and work with ones outside their element.

How many more time's can I say element 8-P
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Re: Help
Post # 3
Do you know any spells to help me develope my earth element power. and im drawn to fire, what about fire spells?
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Re: Help
Post # 4
Off the top of my head, no. I'm sure if someone does, they will let you know =)
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Re: Help
Post # 5
actually what i heard is your element is what you want it to be, and you can have more then one, mine are fire,water, and air, sometimes earthand i can minuplate them to a degree
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Re: Help
Post # 6
Cool i am drawn most to water and fire
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Re: Help
Post # 7
cool, and your element can be whatever, at least that's what i heard
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Re: Help
Post # 8
Where'd you hear that?

I thought it was based on astral sign. I could be wrong. I'm wrong a lot. *shrugs* My astral is the one I connect with the most, so it made sense in my mind lol
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Re: Help
Post # 9
lol, i heard it alot from people on here *shrugs shoulders* my astro sign is fire, and for now it's mostly my element, but during the summer it changes to air
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Re: Help
Post # 10
Merry Meet ElfMaiden.

Earth being your element also means that you can get recharged through using it. You will find earth magick very good and easy to work with too. When you are feeling tired and rundown go for a walk in the park or forest, do some gardening and this will recharge and reawaken you.

This may help you to understand it better and give you a little bit of information
The best way to attune to an element is to get out in it! Here are a few activities to help get you more in tune with earth:
Walk barefoot.
Go camping.
Do some gardening.
Go hiking.
Keep flowers and plants inside the house
Use petals in your bath
Use herbal magick
When doing all these things, think about how earth affects you. Why earth exists. How it fits into your everyday life. How it supports life, how it is life. Feel its stability, its fertility.

Earth energy is very receptive.
Properties include: Money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding, employment
Stones and crystals come under earth magick.

If you would like a more indepth account please pm me.


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