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Post # 1
Why are there no mods or admins or anything in the chat?

I've only been on here for a little bit and already I've decided I never want to go in there again. Is this normal?
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Re: Chat...
Post # 2
oh you bet it is
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Re: Chat...
Post # 3
it has been like that for a very long time... everyone stopped caring so they don't even try to fix it. that is why i never go on a useless chat.
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Re: Chat...
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
the chat has its good moments and its bad ones. Keep popping in at random times and you'll find interesting folks to talk with
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Re: Chat...
Post # 5
if you have a problem in the chat let the mods know,they have personal lives too and can not be here every minute of every day.
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Re: Chat...
Post # 6
Make some more of them, DECENT mods too please.
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Re: Chat...
Post # 7
merry Meet Kagamin.

I was in chat only once and was dismayed but that is like a lot of chat rooms. But as Lady Tessa mods do have lives.

I spend three hours a day on here in the early morning my time and as yet have not seen many mods on. Maybe they come on at the US evening, I don't know.


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Re: Chat...
Post # 8
Hey, I get this when I click on live chatter, is it screwed up for anyone else? Got this for 3 days now

"Welcome to the Merentha-Entertainment webserver

The webserver you attempted to access did not exist, or was too busy.

Please select your destination from below, if you are returned here please wait a couple minutes before attempting to access the website again. "
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