Could I get your opinion?

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Could I get your opinion?
Post # 1
Ok so a kinda close friend of mine sent this to me. Now he doesn't know that I'm posting this on a magically based sight lol ^_^
But! He said he wants people to join him so I thought I'd post this here and get you alls opinion. If you would like to contact him I'd be more than willing to give you him myspace.

Ok if you get this letter it means that you are someone that I refuse to lose in any situation and I consider you one of the best friends that I have ever had. I’m writing this to ask you to join me in what I want to create for us. A place that we can be ourselves, with each other. You know how I am with names and I’ve got a name. this is a family that is removed from the one we were born to . for one reason or another we feel lost and separated from the rest of the world. We are the lost and those that are beasts on the inside. Through what we have been through we are stronger, faster, wiser, smarter and more powerful than the rest of humanity. I’m not saying that we try to take over the world but that we take what others will not give us and that society wont allow people like us. A home and the companionship of people like us. But I will say that if anyone gets in our way we take them out, and if the world decides to get in our way then we’ll turn the world to ash.

Whether you decide to join me or not now the invitation stands open until such time as our trust is broken. Whether you join me or not I will remain loyal and watch over you as long as I can
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 2
hmmmm.....this is kinda interesting......^^
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 3
Steer clear he sounds like he has major issues and even suicidal tendecys,take care love and light
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 4
hmmmm, sounds....interesting, and why not take humanity over?
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
Sounds very interesting to me.
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 6
Your friend wants to create a place for his friends?

Is it going to be called Jonestown by chance? Cause it's starting to sound similar.

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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 7
As soon as i read your post i saw blackness.
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 8
afterwards I asked him if he ment to start a war or something like that and he said no. He just wanted a place were alot of people could really feel accepted instead of being pushed around by others.
He doesn't want to take over humanity because we really need them to live...(Course I am a human lol soooo....yeah...)
Umm... he didn't mention anything about a name to me... And it defanitly wouldn't be jonestown..

He doesn't have suicidal tendencies...

And I was only asking for peoples opinion on this. That was all. I hope no-one takes offence to anything he said.
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 9
just dont let him manipulate you,and by looking at your post as in trust being broken,would that apply now that you have spoken about it?
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Re: Could I get your opinion?
Post # 10
First it'd be hard for him to manipulate me ^_^ lol cause Uh... Yeah It's hard to mess with me mentally. But I'll not argue with you about that.
But... I don't see how I could possibly have broken his trust by telling people, on a magically orianted website (Thats full of people who eithor claim to be supernatural (Vamp, werewolf ect.) or actually ARE supernatural.) and tried to see if others would join him in his cause.
I'm just trying to help him out.
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