wanting to move on...

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wanting to move on...
Post # 1
Hi there to all,

I was just wondering if people know of a way to help someone move on from the past from strong feelings they had for some else who they cannot now be thinking of in that way. kind of an anti-love spell but for them selves not to give to another.
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Re: wanting to move on...
Post # 2

this is my old Profile back when I was in Shadow Craft
you will find a spell there that you need to make yourself fal out of love with a person. But be carful, just as doing a love spell might backfire so can this. What if it is ment to be that somewhere in time that you to are to meet again and fall in love. So think twice before doing it
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Re: wanting to move on...
Post # 3
We have all ( or will at some point ) gone through the pain of loving/caring for someone we either shouldn't or who does not share the same feelings. It's painful, but it's part of life. Makes you stronger, makes you more appreciative, and helps you to grow in general.

In my opinion, lifes lessons should not be avoided with spells.
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