not enough

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not enough
Post # 1
Some of the spells and such here are great. No offense, but some of the methodology is crud. The site basically says, "Here, say these rhymes. They're maaaagical." But they don't lay the foundation, or any basic skills at all. I admire the Way of the Star for giving what the site truly needs, a foundation. So, more covens should give lessons on the importance of intent, energy, attitude, creating your own spells, etc. Any spell can work with these factors (Minus the creating part) But without them, people will not get the results that they're looking for. If you find this in any way offesive, I didn't mean it that way, so I'm sorry for any rudeness on my part. End rant...
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Re: not enough
Post # 2
My coven was not approved because of the TITLE.. so...YEAH hahahaha
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Re: not enough
Post # 3
Ouch, that's bad.
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Re: not enough
Post # 4
Variados, what is the title of your coven?
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Re: not enough
Post # 5
Your right bergen. They should but most the people here are not really skill yet. Not say i am. There many lesson i need learn.
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Re: not enough
Post # 6
you have a good point manifestion got lost some were but
the solution is much simpler that problem simply stress its
importants so l gess this is the first step
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Re: not enough
Post # 7
My title.. HAHAHA
It was "TEA PARTY"
but it looks like it is not appealing to Petrarca.. O_o it does not fit the site.. I guess if I would it have named it "The Monkeys"
I would have being banned from the site.. -_-
So, I guess he wants titles more like "Supernova" or "Lightworkers" or "Children of the light" *_* so, if I would have named the "Playground" or "The bullies" -_- I do not think he even read my description,.. such sad thing because I had such a good description.. and "TEA PARTY" was such a good name for that.
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Re: not enough
By: / Novice
Post # 8
You are definitely right, my friend. This lack of foundation is why some of us hover in the forums so much. We introduce ourselves from the beginning and welcome people to ask questions as a means to lay that foundation.
The thing is that many people are more interested in a quick fix than learning the fundamentals of magick. Starting in the middle is no way to go about things since we all know that without the proper focus and meditation, a spell is just a poem. Personally, I encourage new-comers to write their own spells. Use the spells here as an outline to help, but nothing works better than pairing your own energy with your own cause. Of course I also suggest that they research which deities they may want to involve in different situations. In a sense these are the reasons many of us are instill these important bits wether or not the coven will, and sometimes before the coven is picked.
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