REALLY weird!!!!!!!

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REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 1
Some of you may have heard about this already, but there are beliefs that Abraham Lincon and JFK's assassinations were linked somehow. Here's a link to one of the sites that shares that belief (there are way too many stuff that could be co-incidences).

Here are some more facts from other sites that site doesn't contain:
Both Lincon and Kennedy lost their children in the white house.
Both were assassinated by Southeners
Both had a 3cm bullet fired into their heads that was dug 2cm deep.
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 2

*puts on blessed tin foil hat*
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 3
*follows hearler's suit* righty just as soon as the aliens come to take me home.
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 4
I personal think the assassiantion was act of a vengefull spirit possesiing a people. That's probly ludacris but what are the odds of the same shot being that exact? I've tooken a forensics its gota be the same spirit pulling that shot off. I not sure but I don't think harvey had any milatery training (why the 3 names tho is what I'm wondering)
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 5
Being a southern witch and all I could tell you the truth,but then Id have to kill you all,lol
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 6
wow, werid, but cool
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 7
Lincon had a secretary by the name of Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary by the name of Lincon. John Welks Booth ran from a theater to a library and Oswald ran from a school book depository to a theater. In Lincon's Assassination there were others involved in it, in Kennedy's Assassination others believe that Oswald could not have done it alone do to the fact that Oswald could not hit the side of a barn with his eyes open, he was a marksmen in the USMC he barely qualified on the rifle range.
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 8
This is pure coincidence. Why would an assassination be so staged and perfect compared to a different one? Why take the time to go through it? It seems almost too coincidental, but I'm sure some things were planned out, though not all of them.
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 9
actuly Jha it was he was going to let the whole world see JFK die.
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Re: REALLY weird!!!!!!!
Post # 10
Yeah, of course the whole world would see. That is an assassination, it is more than a murder because the victim is more important meaning more press coverage. That doesn't really mean it is or isn't coincidence.
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