peace before the war?

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peace before the war?
Post # 1
Please no ridiculing of this thread.
If we are going to fight this war for peace and for mankind wether you believe or not this applies to you, shouldn't we not be fighting between our own race? there is a lot of argument and quarrel on this site alone not to mention the rest of the world
Point being that if we are going to fight this war then we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves but be training for it
And if you do not believe then that is for you to believe, this is still a bit of knowledge you should believe in. "war or not let there be peace before and after"

Blessed be and mean no harm
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Re: peace before the war?
Post # 2
i agree
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Re: peace before the war?
Post # 3
So do I...If we don't agree to disagree now how are we going to be during the war??? They will win if we are all confused and not working together won't we just be sitting ducks??

We need to bond together now or we all might die later cause we didn't

God Bless
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Re: peace before the war?
Post # 4
You kill those who do not bring peace. Once all peace harmer's are killed and destroyed peace will be abundant on earth.

Just remember in order to have peace there must be war.
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