Our Dianic MSN Group

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Our Dianic MSN Group
Post # 1
Blessings to all our sisters!

I would like to invite any female members here to come join our Dianic Sisterhood at: The Daughters of the Full Moon on MSN Groups.

It is a group of women born women joined together in sisterhood and in discovering the Goddess within each and everyone of us as women. We are also considered a feminist activist Wiccan group. No men are allowed to join and we do not work with male energies. If interested, have a completed and visible MSN profile and apply at:


In Love and Light!

HPS Lady Fox Fire )O(
(assistant manager)
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Re: Our Dianic MSN Group
Post # 2
it says i your site is unavailable or something
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Re: Our Dianic MSN Group
Post # 3
Merry Meet!

In actuality, the site is Private, which means that in order for you to become a member you must have a completed MSN profile and apply to the managers to become a member. Your application will be reviewed and if it meets our group's criteria you will be admitted to the group and made welcome. If for some reason your application does not meet our criteria, you will be contacted by e-mail to notify you as to why your application has been rejected or if you need to complete your MSN profile more to be accepted.

In Love and Light!
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