witchcraft 101

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witchcraft 101
Post # 1
The Free Witchcraft 101 Course

Originally taught by Lady Griddlebone as a 1 time interactive online course, the The Free Witchcraft 101 course is now provided to you permanently, in the form of a work book. Eclectic in nature, this comprehensive course covers the outline below and includes interesting study & homework that includes activities that make learning fun. No books are required! Study references will include some of the pages on this site as well as others. It will consists of a "lecture" and sometimes a list of links to web resources, followed by "homework" and a list of questions and/or tasks. It's best to keep a special work book exclusively for your lessons. It would make a great addition to any Book of Shadows. You do not have to sign up to take the course, or send your homework to me, or anyone else. Do your studies and homework on your own, at your own pace, and enjoy yourself as you delve into the wonderful world of Witchcraft


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Re: witchcraft 101
Post # 2
i love this witchcraft 101 class. it's excellent! i would recomend it to anyone.
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Re: witchcraft 101
Post # 3
I thought it was a good begining to the craft ..
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